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New words (or do they already exist?)

от blu_matt, 30 октября 2005 г.

Сообщений: 6

Язык: English

blu_matt (Показать профиль) 30 октября 2005 г., 20:21:43

Is it acceptable practice to invent new Esperanto words if one doesn't appear to exist?

For example, I've been looking for the word 'troll' (noun - the creature, rather than its modern Usenet usage) but haven't been able to locate a translation.

The closest I've managed to get is with the (completely made up) word subpontestulo or subpontbestaĉo (a creature/monster that lives under a bridge).

Is there a 'real' Esperanto word for a troll, or should I just make do with one of the above?

Many thanks,

Idekii (Показать профиль) 30 октября 2005 г., 23:44:01

You should always see if you can communicate the idea with existing words and affixes before you try creating any new words, since other speakers probably won't know what you're talking about.

By the way, the Esperanto word for "troll" is "trolo," according to my Comprehensive English-Esperanto Dictionary, which, incidentally, is one of the best purchases I have made in quite a while. 

blu_matt (Показать профиль) 31 октября 2005 г., 18:59:34

Excellent, thanks!  I guess this is an example of how incomplete online dictionaries are, compared to their dead tree counterparts.

Again, many thanks.

Fastrada (Показать профиль) 31 октября 2005 г., 19:56:13

Well, I have a quite "embarrasing" problem:  I don't have any idea how to express thinking good about anything- not to say "i like it" or something like that, but to have a word which has the meaning of "great". I hope you can help me, there has to be a word but I cannot find it (although I have a dictionary which isn't to small)!!!!!!!!!! 

blu_matt (Показать профиль) 31 октября 2005 г., 20:41:53

I think the word you're looking for is "bonega" (i.e. bon' - good) with the -eg- affix (denoting great size or emphasis).

Esben87 (Показать профиль) 1 ноября 2005 г., 10:44:20

It can be "bonege" as well as "bonega" depending on the situation. Examples:

Me: How is the movie?  -  Him: Great! (This would be "bonega!")

Me: How are you doing?  -  Him: Great! (This would be "bonege!")

Me: You just passed your exams!  -  Him: Great! (This would be "bonege!")


I hope you see the differences between the 3 ways of using "Great" above?
