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someone to TALK to!

од tiberius, 26. август 2004.

Поруке: 4

Језик: English

tiberius (Погледати профил) 26. август 2004. 22.42.52

I despretly need someone to talk to en esperanto! there aren't many Esperantists in Houston, and all my attempts to browbeat my friends/family into learning it have failed. As you all know, there is no substitute for good old face-to-face conversation when it comes to learning a language, and that's the one thing the net cannot provide!

lernfran (Погледати профил) 02. септембар 2004. 21.33.22

I understand there is a functioning Esperanto group in Houston -- find out more by subscribing to their mailing list via
Houston_Esperantists-subscribe@yahoogroups.com .

Machjo (Погледати профил) 18. новембар 2004. 06.30.16

I actually learnt Esperanto entirely on my own with nothing but books.  Only about two years later did I actually have the opportunity to meet with Esperantists, and because the spoken and written language are the same, I'd effectively become fluent in 20 to 30 minutes.  Amazing language, this Esperanto!

Razeno (Погледати профил) 31. јануар 2005. 15.40.16

I agree !!!

I was also surprised when I learned it


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