Mesaĝoj: 2
Lingvo: English
coderiferous (Montri la profilon) 2014-septembro-28 00:03:25
So I just took the C exam. I did alright but not well enough to pass, and there are a few of the ones I missed that I'm not sure why what I put was wrong, or why the right answer is, in fact, right. If anyone has any guidance/explanation to provide, that'd be great!
Tia kapto decidis efektivigi Jajon, kiam li atingis la aĝon de 18 jaroj. NekorekteUpon reflection, I see that my sentence doesn't make total sense. I guess one problem I have here is that I'm not entirely sure what "tia kapto" even means, exactly, but it does seem sort of odd to try to make that the subject But, more importantly, if Jajo is the subject of the first clause, shouldn't the 'li' in the second part be 'si' since it's referring to the subject?
Tian kapton decidis efektivigi Jajo, kiam li atingis la aĝon de 18 jaroj. (Korekta respondo)
Kaj kelkfoje mi diras al mi, ke niatempe, tio estas rimarkinda sukceso.What does 'niatempe' mean? The original had 'nia tempe' or something, which I changed to 'nia tempo' to mean something to the effect of 'in our time' but I wasn't really sure what to do with this sentence.
nornen (Montri la profilon) 2014-septembro-28 00:49:30
"si" can only refer to the subject of its own phrase, i.e. the phrase containing the si [1]. In your example you have two completely different clauses, and "si" cannot refer to an antecedent of another clause. This is about "scope" (using computer lingo) or "government" (using grammar lingo).
Also "si" can never be subject, because it would have no antecedent to refer to.
"niatempe" indeed means "in our time" and takes the adverb ending -e, because it is an adverbial of time. "nia tempo" is "our time" which is nominal (hence the -o) and not adverbial.
Nia tempo estas la plej bela.
Niatempe la vetero estas la plej bela.
Mia opinio estas, ke ĉiuj amu unu la alian.
Miaopinie ĉiuj amu unu la alian.
[1] To be more precise: "si" and "sin" refer to the subject of the closest enclosing phrase. Take for example: "Batman ordonis al Robin pafi sin." In this case "sin" depends on pafi and the subject of pafi is Robin. Hence, Batman ordered Robin to shoot Robin and not Batman. No doubt, Batman is the subject of ordonis, but the subject Robin is closer.
P.S: "closer" in the structural sence and not the spatial. In "Al Robin ordonis Batman pafi sin", Batman is spatially closer to sin than Robin, but the structure is the same: Batman ordonis al Robin, ke Robin pafu sin.
Also "si" can never be subject, because it would have no antecedent to refer to.
"niatempe" indeed means "in our time" and takes the adverb ending -e, because it is an adverbial of time. "nia tempo" is "our time" which is nominal (hence the -o) and not adverbial.
Nia tempo estas la plej bela.
Niatempe la vetero estas la plej bela.
Mia opinio estas, ke ĉiuj amu unu la alian.
Miaopinie ĉiuj amu unu la alian.
[1] To be more precise: "si" and "sin" refer to the subject of the closest enclosing phrase. Take for example: "Batman ordonis al Robin pafi sin." In this case "sin" depends on pafi and the subject of pafi is Robin. Hence, Batman ordered Robin to shoot Robin and not Batman. No doubt, Batman is the subject of ordonis, but the subject Robin is closer.
P.S: "closer" in the structural sence and not the spatial. In "Al Robin ordonis Batman pafi sin", Batman is spatially closer to sin than Robin, but the structure is the same: Batman ordonis al Robin, ke Robin pafu sin.