Al la enhavo

Does this sentence make any sense?

de leonarde, 2008-februaro-13

Mesaĝoj: 3

Lingvo: English

leonarde (Montri la profilon) 2008-februaro-13 21:24:11

The following sentence is from

"La vikipediaj anaroj strebas inkludi kiel eble plej multajn lingvojn en nia enciklopedio."

My best translation is, "The Wikipedia supporters strive to include as possibly most many languages in our encyclopaedia."

The sentence seems to be hinting towards "The Wikipedia supporters strive to include as many languages as possible," but the word order and seemingly extra words confuse me.

By the way, how do you say "As many languages as possible?"

mnlg (Montri la profilon) 2008-februaro-13 21:49:04

The form "kiel eble plej X" is the most common way to translate "as X as possible".

Kiel eble plej frue => as soon as possible.
Kiel eble plej multaj seĝoj => as many chairs as possible

Therefore the sentence from wikipedia is correct and it means more or less what you suggest in your second ("hinted") translation.

"anaroj" roughly means "collections of members". "supporters" could be "subtenantoj" or at most "anoj".

leonarde (Montri la profilon) 2008-februaro-13 22:07:23

Sweet. Thanks for that clarification.

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