Al la enhavo

Why is lava lafo and not lavo?

de Zvoc47, 2016-majo-12

Mesaĝoj: 3

Lingvo: English

Zvoc47 (Montri la profilon) 2016-majo-12 23:28:01

I'm mystifying that it's because lav' is already used for washing, but I'm not sure if this is correct.

erinja (Montri la profilon) 2016-majo-13 00:02:56

I think you've got it right. Some roots are changed somewhat from an international form in order to avoid confusion with another existing root, and lavo -> lafo would seem like an excellent candidate.

Another example is that "bankedo" means "banquet". Most languages have a T in the word, but in Esperanto it was likely changed to a D to avoid being confused with banketo (bank/et/o, small bank)

ilemo (Montri la profilon) 2016-majo-13 13:50:05

It's the same with planet: "planedo" instead of "planeto" (because plan-et-o).

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