Al la enhavo

E-o Anatomy

de Frakseno, 2008-majo-08

Mesaĝoj: 4

Lingvo: English

Frakseno (Montri la profilon) 2008-majo-08 20:29:29

I would like to get some help determining appropriate anatomical equivalents.

1. What Esperanto word would be used to designate a person's chest (to be distinguished from a woman's breasts (mamoj)).

2. Stomach (the region of the body, as opposed to the internal organ).

3. Buttock area


trojo (Montri la profilon) 2008-majo-08 20:48:37

Frakseno:I would like to get some help determining appropriate anatomical equivalents.

1. What Esperanto word would be used to designate a person's chest (to be distinguished from a woman's breasts (mamoj)).

2. Stomach (the region of the body, as opposed to the internal organ).

3. Buttock area

1. Brusto
2. Ventro (Stomako is the internal organ)
3. Pugo or postaĵo

Frakseno (Montri la profilon) 2008-majo-08 20:51:29

Dankon! rideto.gif

Frakseno (Montri la profilon) 2008-majo-09 07:30:48

Thanks, Andrew.

I had actually consulted a couple of dictionaries and got conflicting or unclear information, so I wanted to verify contemporary and colloquial usage.

Those links will still undoubtedly come in handy to me in the future, though. rideto.gif

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