Mesaĝoj: 10
Lingvo: English
Hispanio (Montri la profilon) 2008-novembro-04 12:23:21
It is very interesting.
All the information is here:
Esperanto in Europe
EL_NEBULOSO (Montri la profilon) 2008-novembro-06 08:24:15
jan aleksan (Montri la profilon) 2008-novembro-06 10:13:50
I'm wondering if this webpage is linked to which proposes the bases of an esperanto nation...
Anyway, it doesn't enough highlight the fact that esperanto is only a "bridge language". Reading this, one can understand that esperanto is a language that should take place of current existing languages in europe.
Europe is a Babel Tower, and should remain as such!
So be careful with this webpage.
Note: It seems that what they call "Civitana societo" looks like an association.

Miland (Montri la profilon) 2008-novembro-06 10:46:50
jan aleksan:Atentu!..This is the English language forum. Please provide an English translation.
jan aleksan (Montri la profilon) 2008-novembro-06 10:47:19
Clet (Montri la profilon) 2009-majo-19 11:14:49
Good morning, the friends
On a forum where they discuss various European questions,
They asked a question:
Does Europe need a common language?
Yes, English 9% [ 1 ]
Yes, French 0% [ 0 ]
Yes, some other EU language 0% [ 0 ]
Yes, create new language altogether 36% [ 4 ]
No, but fewer official languages 0% [ 0 ]
No, not at all 54% [ 6 ]
Total of polls: 11
It seems that the supporters of a constructed language are more numerous than those of « only English », but the majority (36 %) refuse any common language.
Perhaps English-speaking Esperantists could bring their opinions?
You can also visit German, Spanish and French forums or these questions are recalled: (German) (Spanish) (French, I am here)
attention, in the evening this works badly, try in the morning
(traduko sekvas, ĉar mankis loko)
Clet (Montri la profilon) 2009-majo-19 11:16:34
Saluton amikoj
Sur forumo, kie oni diskutas pri diversaj eŭropaj demandoj :
Aperis la demando :
Cxu Euxropo besonas komunan lingvon
Jes, la anglan 9% [ 1 ]
Jes, la francan 0% [ 0 ]
Jes, alia exuropan lingvon 0% [ 0 ]
Jes, ni kune kreu novan lingvon 36% [ 4 ]
Ne,sed malpli da oficialaj lingvoj 0% [ 0 ]
Tute ne 54% [ 6 ]
Entutaj balotoj : 11
Sxajnas al mi, ke la partizanoj de konstruata lingvo estas pli nombraj ol tiuj de la « nur angla », sed la plinombruloj rifuzas iun-ajn komunan lingvon.
Eble la angloparolantaj esperantistoj povus doni iliajn opiniojn ?
Vi povas ankaux vidi germanan, hispanan kaj francan forumon kie oni pritraktas la demandojn: (germana) (hispana) (franca, mi estas tie)
(atentu : la forumo ne bone funkcias malfruvespere... provu matene)
Jean-François Clet el Francujo
Clet (Montri la profilon) 2009-majo-20 17:31:24
They saw us coming, they do not really want that we were writing messages in favor of esperanto!
Rogir (Montri la profilon) 2009-majo-20 21:10:04
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2009-majo-21 12:55:34
Clet:Fi kaj aĉ ! the forum is closed until Monday 25!Actually sorry guys, they saw me coming and went "O ne! Vi ne volas havi tiun ulon en via forumo! Rigardu kion li faris al la lernu! forumo, per liaj aĉaj ŝercoj, estas krima!"
They saw us coming, they do not really want that we were writing messages in favor of esperanto!

(learners can use the vortaro, it's pretty straight forward, "per" means "with" in this case).