Al la enhavo

Absurd Translations for the bored or easily amused

de ceigered, 2009-aprilo-07

Mesaĝoj: 5

Lingvo: English

ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2009-aprilo-07 07:23:23

I was wondering the other day how I can stuff up Esperanto even further, and this is what I have got so far (currently, this will be known as Ido 5000VX):
1. next - sekva - sekvvenanta (next coming)
2. last - lasta - lastvenanta (last coming)
3. previous - antaŭa - antaŭvenanta (before coming)
4. human - homo - homkreito (human creature)
5. woman - virino - homkreitino
6. man - viro - homkreitiĉo
7. of - de - posedata per (possessed by)
8. food - manĝi - manĝkonsumaĵo (food-consumables)
9. drink - trinkkonsumaĵo (drink-consumables)
10. cat - kato - hejmvivantkato (domestic living feline)
11. the - la - precizigitaĵa (specified-thing)

-as = antas
-os = ontas
-is = intas
-anta = asanta
-onta = asonta
-inta = asinta (just to screw with the mind)

Precizigitaĵa homkreitiĉo lastvenante manĝkonsumintas precizigitaĵan hejmvivantkatan manĝkonsumaĵon pro precizigitaĵa motivo ke precizigitaĵa homkreitiĉo estintas malsata.

Translation1: Specified-thingly male human creature coming lastly foodly consumings specified thingly domestic-living-feline food-consumable for speciied-thingly motive that specified-thingly male human creature was beings hungry.

Translation2: The man lastly ate the cat food becuase he was hungry/La viro laste manĝis la manĝo de la kato ĉar vi ests malsata

... So, who's ready for the revolution?

Rogir (Montri la profilon) 2009-aprilo-07 13:11:55

What is the topic of this thread? It does not seem to make much sense to me. Is this some kind of game?

jchthys (Montri la profilon) 2009-aprilo-07 14:11:38

Rogir:What is the topic of this thread? It does not seem to make much sense to me. Is this some kind of game?
Kind of like Esperant’.

Ironchef (Montri la profilon) 2009-aprilo-07 14:48:05

ceigered:... So, who's ready for the revolution?

Esperanto does allow an amazing flexibility with concepts and phrases that can cannot really express so succinctly in English. I've always envied agglutinative languages in that they can pack whole meanings into one word; Scrabble in Finnish or Turkish must be quite amusing for that reason ( it?)

The only ones I've managed to come up with so far were:

Pladlavendo: The necessity of having to wash the dishes.
Domestrino : The female ruler of the house (ie wife!)
Ĉeĥiĝindano: One who is worth becoming Czech(?)
Finfinna: Finally Finnish (maybe after a long citizenship application?)
Ieanejo: Refugee camp (lit. place for people of somewhere)
Kioajningo: Odds and ends holder/junk box/knickknack box


ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2009-aprilo-07 16:41:53

Rogir:What is the topic of this thread? It does not seem to make much sense to me. Is this some kind of game?
It's just playing around with the word building of Esperanto in absurd ways, so yes, a game kind of would be a good description.

I was bored when I did this okulumo.gif

And Ironchef, I may be wrong, but Finnish or Turkish scrabble would likely only use root words, unlike what we would understand to be a word (which would be a chunk of characters with no spaces, using a unix 'man wc' definition for those who have used it before)

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