Al la enhavo

eo rimo listo

de qwertz, 2009-septembro-17

Mesaĝoj: 8

Lingvo: English

qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2009-septembro-17 10:44:24


hopefully the eo rimo listo can give you some ideas to make some rhymes. You can also download a PDF or OpenOfficeCalc print version.

I also like this freestyle hip hop idea the folks introduces at 4:13 minute (youtube video). In my opinion that's a nice idea to wrap esperanto vocabulary, too. Just take a look. There excists 8 parts "Freestyle:the art of rhyme" (historical documentation)

Should we open a special lernu rhyme thread for that? May be using the vocabulary as trigger words. onderdanigehond published some crazy hip hop instrumental's at youtube.

Btw. there excists other music styles where the singer don't sing like a gospel singer but make some speaking singing style. i.e. Chanson's. Mostly performed with a piano. Hhm. Still have to find some nice piano instrumental collection for that.

So the vocabulary rhymes could be used for two different music styles (Hip Hop and Chanson's) For presenting Esperanto in the public. okulumo.gif


Rogir (Montri la profilon) 2009-septembro-17 12:34:03

Have you ever heard la Pafklik? They are the best (and possibly the only) hiphop group singing in Esperanto.

qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2009-septembro-17 13:17:29

Rogir:Have you ever heard la Pafklik? They are the best (and possibly the only) hiphop group singing in Esperanto.
Nej, nej, nej... They are not the onliest anymore okulumo.gif

eo HipHopo kompilo unu


qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2009-septembro-29 07:28:23

Probably contains tons of grammar mistakes?

laŭtpensada improvizado (Freestyle)

Freestyle the art of rhyme part 6 | 7:21 ĝis 8:25 min

Hej, jo, jo...

Lasu min rimas kelkaj improvizado,
Jen mi rilatas laŭtpensado,
Rimoj ekvenas rekta de mian kapon,
Mi malferme lokas ĝin kiel mian BMW kapoto,
Ĉiu povas diri tion nobla ledo, krok' amiko,
Jen tia vidinda estas mian interne kartografio,
Mian rimoj ne bezonas kelkaj papero agrafon,
Sed bonvolu atendu!
ĉiu malica vortoj estas nur granda ŝerco,


I don't own a BMW and I will never buy one okulumo.gif

mjs gbx,

Youtube 0:35 min "... Hip Hop hat in jedem Interview immer eine nette Geschichte, mit ein bißchen mehr Wahrheitsgehalt als Wetterberichte .../... Hip Hop ever has a nice story at every interview, with some more level of truth over weather forecasts... " > 80% ? okulumo.gif

horsto (Montri la profilon) 2009-septembro-29 08:26:55

qwertz:Probably contains tons of grammar mistakes?
Yes, that's right.

qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2009-septembro-29 08:30:12

qwertz:Probably contains tons of grammar mistakes?
Yes, that's right.
I'm sorry for that and I know that La Pafklik can do more better rhymes. Any suggestions? Any other rhymes?

KriZe (Montri la profilon) 2009-oktobro-01 17:18:45

To make an Esperanto rhyming dictionary, you just need to order the words alphabetically, except starting at the end of the word rather than the beginning.

qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2009-oktobro-10 15:12:55

Iĉo:I have an electronic text version of the Richardson Vortaro.
Do you refer to this one? So there excist a offline version of this Richardson vortaro, too?

about Richardson vortaro

Hhm. Probably no chance to get this mentioned "" and "" files(?). Worth of doing a short request to Axel.

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