Al la enhavo

IRC pointers, please.

de verdasimio, 2010-majo-07

Mesaĝoj: 6

Lingvo: English

verdasimio (Montri la profilon) 2010-majo-07 00:22:54

Mi estas komencanto.

I've seen a few Web pages saying that it's helpful to practice Esperanto on IRC.

I've never used it before.

I got an IRC client working and have entered a couple of Esperanto channels. I see that people are indicated as being there, but I see no conversation happening.

(1) Is there any recommended network to use to lurk and participate in Esperanto conversation?

(2) Am I overlooking something basic in not seeing conversation despite there being people in the channel?

Thanks, all.

darkweasel (Montri la profilon) 2010-majo-07 05:11:46

I recommend ##esperanto on freenode. It's a quite active IRC channel, but there are also times when no one speaks, so be patient.

Not all users always check their ##esperanto channel windows when they use their computer. Also, not all mark themselves as away when they leave. The number of users displayed in the nicklist is not reflective of the activity of conversation.

andogigi (Montri la profilon) 2010-majo-07 15:45:46

There used to be a common convention on IRC when I used it frequently many years ago. (20+) When people would walk away and stay logged on, they would often change their nickname and put AFK after it. (away from keyboard). I haven't used it in awhile, so I don't know if they still do this or not.

darkweasel (Montri la profilon) 2010-majo-07 16:26:07

andogigi:There used to be a common convention on IRC when I used it frequently many years ago. (20+) When people would walk away and stay logged on, they would often change their nickname and put AFK after it. (away from keyboard). I haven't used it in awhile, so I don't know if they still do this or not.
Some do. However, I find these nick changes somewhat annoying, as they produce a "foo has changed their nickname to foo|afk" message that I don't usually care about. If I actually want to find out if a user is away, I use the /whois command.

verdasimio (Montri la profilon) 2010-majo-07 21:56:22

Not all users always check their ##esperanto channel windows when they use their computer. Also, not all mark themselves as away when they leave. The number of users displayed in the nicklist is not reflective of the activity of conversation.

Aha. Thanks, that was not obvious to me as a newb.

Will try freenode, I guess.

Thanks again to all.

tommjames (Montri la profilon) 2010-majo-08 08:57:22

I've been on the Freenode channel for some time now and the one thing I can say is don't be put off if you arrive there for the first time and observe no speaking. Sometimes it can be quiet, other times it's hard to get a word in edgeways. I've seen new people arrive there, hang around for a couple of minutes then then go "Bone, neniu parolas ĉi tie. Ĝis!" and then log out never to return, right before conversation fires back up again and the channel stays active for ages.

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