Al la enhavo

I need voice recordings for my tutorial software.

de blahface, 2010-majo-21

Mesaĝoj: 6

Lingvo: English

blahface (Montri la profilon) 2010-majo-21 07:09:10

Right now I am in the process of developing an Esperanto tutorial program in Java. The tutorial is about 96% stuff taken from this site, but I want additional mp3 recordings to go along with all the text written in Esperanto.

So far, what I have finished is stuff from the basic grammar lessons. I need somebody with perfect pronunciation to volunteer to help record mp3 words and sentences. I have written a program that serves as a checklist and an mp3 recorder for the Esperanto text in which I need audio.

If you are an expert in pronunciation and want to record audio for my tutorial, post a response and I will private message you with more information.

ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-majo-22 06:28:35

I would volunteer but I suspect that my lack of experience having talked to anyone in Esperanto properly (e.g. never been to a convention of sorts) may mean that my Esperanto does not flow naturally enough and that I may unknowingly have pronunciation faults like hypercorrection of certain sounds.

erinja (Montri la profilon) 2010-majo-22 13:15:38

FYI if this software is for anything but personal use, you should e-mail to get permission to use lernu content. The content on this site comes from various sources, and while we have obtained permission to use everything we have posted here, we can't pass on those permissions for content that we didn't generate ourselves.

blahface (Montri la profilon) 2010-majo-22 19:12:31

I just sent the e-mail off asking for permission. I would like to distribute it as freeware and give credit to where credit is due. I was kind of hoping that after it was finished that Lernu would host it on their download section if the tutorial turns out to be an adequate learning aid.

blahface (Montri la profilon) 2010-majo-22 23:42:46

Erinja, are you sure that is the correct email? I just got an email back saying that the delivery failed.

erinja (Montri la profilon) 2010-majo-23 00:41:42

It should be correct but if it didn't work for you, e-mail instead. It will still go to the same people, it just won't be obviously marked as a rights-related request.

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