Al la enhavo

Experience of learning Esperanto

de Lynchie, 2010-aŭgusto-01

Mesaĝoj: 7

Lingvo: English

Lynchie (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-01 22:47:39

I am curious to know what anyone thought of Esperanto when they first encountered it, so far as learning to speak it was concerned. Were you pleasantly surprised by how easy it was, or did you find it more difficult than you had first expected? In my own experience, the first day or two were very difficult, but now that I am spending time reading the blogs in Esperanto, and getting used to the sentence construction, I am slowly becoming more accustomed to it.

Seth442 (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-02 00:51:57

My ignorance of grammar lead to some difficulties when I started that I may have not expected, but overall I'd say the language really does deliver in terms of being easy to pick up. After about a month and a half, I speak it better than Spanish, which I studied for 4 years.
Still a lot to learn, of course.

KetchupSoldier (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-02 01:06:33

For me, the grammar structure was really easy to pick up. I naturally learn languages pretty fast. What's tough for me is remembering vocab and affixes.

patrik (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-02 06:48:03

I love the affixes, most especially "mal-" (a lifesaver) and "-um"~! lango.gif Tagalog, my native language, has an extensive affix system, and that made E-o much more easier for me. The grammar is not a piece of cake, though, but I can say that I got most of it by now. The only challenges for me left are some of the prepositions (po, trans, tra...), the vocabulary (memorizing the entire BRO* would help me a lot), and phraseology (certain turn of phrases). senkulpa.gif

BRO = "Baza Radikaro Oficiala" [the official list of the basic and the most commonly used word roots in Esperanto, published by the Academy of Esperanto.]

Lynchie (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-02 08:43:28

For me, I have found that remembering the sentence structure in Esperanto is extremely easy(since it is virtually the same as in English, depending on how you use it). The only thing I find it reasonably easy to translate sentences from Esperanto into Engish for the same reason. The only real problems I seem to be having when writing Esperanto at the moment is working out where the darned n goes in a sentence to mark out the object, and also my knowledge of the affixes and suffixes is poor at the moment, but that will improve in time...I hope lol.

EL_NEBULOSO (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-02 09:49:38

I thought that Esperanto was very easy to read and understand (without even learning it).

Then I started an online course and the easiness and regularity of it immediately convinced me to take a deeper look.

The language appealed to my intellect and to my heart (to my heart especially, when I learned more about the ideas behind Esperanto).


Lynchie (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-02 10:08:07

I would agree with that. Even after learning Esperanto for even a week, I find myself making up sentences in my head at a very basic level. It is certainly the easiest language I have ever attempted so far...

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