Mesaĝoj: 8
Lingvo: English
Zafur (Montri la profilon) 2011-marto-06 04:42:19

My name is Jake. That's my first name, obviously. I can't tell you my last name. It would be too dangerous. The Controllers are everywhere. Everywhere. And if they knew my full name, they could find me and my friends, and then . . . well, let's just say I don't want them to find me. What they do to people who resist them is too horrible to think about.
ĈAPITRO 1In particular, I'm not confident in my translation for "Controller". It's the term used for a person that is being controlled, taken over, etc, so it's sort of backwards. I decided to try and keep it that way rather than "Controlled person". Didn't know if -isto or -ulo would be better...
Mia nomo estas Jake. Tio estas mia persona nomo, evidente. Mi ne povas diri al vin mia familia nomo. Ĝi estus tro danĝera. La Registoj estas ĉiuloke. Ĉiuloke. Kaj se ili scias mian tutan nomon, ili povus trovi min kaj miajn amikojn, kaj post tio... nu, resume mi ne deziras ke ili trovi min. La aferoj ili fari al homojn kiu rezistas ilin estas tro kruelega por pensado.
Also looking for better/alternate ways to translate things like "let's just say", "and then", etc.
Can "kio" be used for things like "what they do"?
Also unsure about having him be Jake, Ĝeiko, or something else, but that's not as important as learning how to write things more complicated than "La homo manĝis la pomon."

adrideo (Montri la profilon) 2011-marto-06 07:10:52
For names, there are a few options. You *could* leave it as Jake, but I'd choose to either to change it to a more Esperanto like name (Jakobo) or to change the spelling to maintain the pronunciation (Ĝejk).
You can use "kio" like that--"kion ili faras" which is an abbreviated form of "tio, kion ili faras."
For "let's just say" maybe "simple dirite." For "and then" I'm not sure that you need a direct translation here (but maybe "poste" would flow better than "post tio?")
Controller. From what I remember of the books, the term is more like what we'd use for a video game controller... a tool used to control, more so than someone controlling, right? So maybe "regilulo" or "direktilulo" or something similar.
Here's what I would do with your translation. In general, watch your accusatives. Some of my changes are really just style. Some might not make sense because it's 2AM.
Mia nomo estas Ĝejk. Tiu estas mia persona nomo, evidente. Mi ne diru al vi mian familian nomon. Estus tro danĝere. La Direktiluloj estas ĉie. Ĉie. Kaj se ili konus mian tutan nomon, ili povus trovi min kaj miajn amikojn, kaj... nu, simple dirite mi ne volas ke ili trovu min. Kion ili faras al homoj, kiuj rezistas ilin, estas tro kruela por pripensado.
sudanglo (Montri la profilon) 2011-marto-06 11:33:03
Not knowing the book, I can't say whether Kontrolantoj is good here. But it certainly carries the idea of keeping an eye on things, to make sure they conform to some standard. Another possibility, again I'd have to know the book, might be Korektantoj.
Zafur (Montri la profilon) 2011-marto-08 22:53:35

Zafur (Montri la profilon) 2011-julio-03 19:04:16
How would I translate "do" in this context? I currently have
"Iuj homoj neniam ŝanĝiĝas. Iuj faras... "
But I don't know if fari is correct.
darkweasel (Montri la profilon) 2011-julio-03 19:06:35
Zafur:Hello again. I need help with a sentence... On every book there would be a sentence on the front cover. The one for the first book is "Some people never change. Some do..."I'd say iuj ja ŝanĝiĝas or even shorter iuj ja.
How would I translate "do" in this context? I currently have
"Iuj homoj neniam ŝanĝiĝas. Iuj faras... "
But I don't know if fari is correct.
Zafur (Montri la profilon) 2011-julio-03 19:09:13
darkweasel:Thanks for the quick response!Zafur:Hello again. I need help with a sentence... On every book there would be a sentence on the front cover. The one for the first book is "Some people never change. Some do..."I'd say iuj ja ŝanĝiĝas or even shorter iuj ja.
How would I translate "do" in this context? I currently have
"Iuj homoj neniam ŝanĝiĝas. Iuj faras... "
But I don't know if fari is correct.

Miland (Montri la profilon) 2011-julio-03 21:54:21
Zafur:..Tio estas mia persona nomo, evidente..I would use kompreneble, "of course", instead of evidente here. Also, if "Jake" is a name that people call you, rather than the name on your official ID (e.g. if it is short for "Jacobus"), I would have Mi nomiĝas Jake as the first sentence.