Mesaĝoj: 9
Lingvo: English
dittmermatthew (Montri la profilon) 2011-julio-02 17:31:32
Mi diraos et pri mem. Mia namo estas Matt kaj mi havas deksep jarojn. Mi sxatas legi fantazio, sciencfikcio, kaj iam Manga. Mia preferata koloro estas nigra kaj mia preferata temp de jaro estas autuno. Mi havas unu nigra kato. Sxia namo estas Jadzia kaj sin estas freneza. Mi havas licenciigxo de komputiloj inforaj sistemoj kaj laboras por la universititato de Minnesota en Minneapolis, Minnesota, usono. Mi laboras por la teknologxio telefonejo. Mi volas lerni esperanton cxar si cxiam volinta esti dulingvulo. Esperanto estas bona por idealistoj simila al mi. La difoj kaj rekompeneoj estas placxas al mi, sed mi havas multa al lerni. Cu vi sxatas esti mia skribamiko?What I intended to say:

I will tell you a little about myself. My name is Matt and I am twenty seven years old. I like to read Fantasy, Science Fiction, and some Manga. My favorite color is black and my favorite time of year is Fall. I have one black cat. Her name is Jadzia and she is crazy. I have a degree in Computer Information Systems and work for the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. I work for the technology helpline. I want to learn Esperanto because I always wanted to be bilingual. Esperanto is good for idealists like myself. The challenge and rewards are pleasing to me, but I have much to learn. Would you like to be my penpal?Dankon!!
Miland (Montri la profilon) 2011-julio-02 18:58:56
dittmermatthew:Salution! Please correct the following. I appreciate any constructive criticism... Dankon!!Here's a suggested corrected version. Not every variation from your text means that you have made a mistake; I might just be showing you an alternative.
Mi diru al vi iom pri mi. Mia nomo estas Matt, kaj mi havas dek sep jarojn. Plaĉas al mi legi fikcion fantazian kaj sciencan, kaj foje mangaan. Mia plej ŝatata koloro estas nigra, kaj mia ŝatata sezono estas aŭtuno. Mi havas nigran katon. Ŝi nomiĝas Jadzia, kaj ŝi estas freneza! Mi havas diplomon pri komputilaj informo-sistemoj, kaj laboras por la universitato de Minnesota en Minneapolis, Minnesota, Usono. Mi laboras por la teknologia telefon-helpsistemo. Mi volas lerni Esperanton pro tio, ke mi ĉiam volis esti dulingva. Esperanto taŭgas por idealismuloj kiel mi. Plaĉas al mi kaj la defio kaj la rekompenco. Tamen mi havas multon legendan. Ĉu plaĉas al vi esti mia korespond-amiko?
Two general comments:
1. It's easy for speakers of English to forget the ending -n for direct objects (e.g. of the verb legi in your case). I would read over a text before posting it, to look out for this error.
2. You're doing quite well for a beginner. Keep it up, and pace yourself. Good luck!
acdibble (Montri la profilon) 2011-julio-02 19:15:02
Mi diros iom pri mi mem. Mia nomo estas Matt kaj mi havas dek sep jarojn. Mi ŝatas legi fantaziojn, sciencfikciajn rakontojn, kaj iam Mangaojn. Mia plej ŝatata koloro estas nigro kaj mia plej ŝatata tempo de jaro estas aŭtuno. Mi havasAlthough it may seem like there are a lot of errors, it is easily understood. "name" has two o's in it instead of an "a".ununigran katon. Ŝia nomo estas Jadzia kaj ŝi estas freneza. Mi havas gradon enkomputiloj inforaj sistemojinformatiko kaj laboras por la Universitato de Minesoto en Minneapolis, Minesoto, Usono. Mi laboras por la teknologia helpejo. Mi volas lerni Esperanton, ĉar mi ĉiam volis esti dulingva. Esperanto estas bona por idealistoj simila al mi. La defioj kaj rekompencojestasplaĉas al mi, sed mi havas multonallerni. Ĉu vi ŝatus esti mia korespondanto?
Most often Esperanto already has words for what you're trying to say, e.g. Manga and Minnesota. I typed both of those into the English version of Wikipedia and then on the side it gives other languages and it showed what they are in Esperanto.
The x-method is a correct way for writing out circumflexes and the ˘ but I replaced them because that's how you will normally see them.
I have no idea how to say "computer information systems" but I don't think it works in Esperanto so I put in "informatiko". I don't know if they're exactlty the same thing however.
Instead of "telefonejo" I used "helpejo" because then you know what the purpose of this room is. I was confused before to see a "room of telephones".
"unu" isn't necessary if you're trying to say "a black cat". But if you want to say "one black cat" then it is correct.
"tempo de jaro" could be simplified down into "jartempo".
"nomo estas" could also be simplified down to "nomiĝas". What you said is correct, this is just a way to mix it up a little bit.
"laboras por" could also be written as "laboras ĉe", when you are talking about a location.
I would say "dulingva" instead of "dulingvulo". Bilingual vs bilinguist.
"korespondanto" could be more friendly with "korespondamiko".
acdibble (Montri la profilon) 2011-julio-02 19:22:10
Tio estas bonega por komencanto!
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2011-julio-03 06:40:30
I believe the accepted format is if you are going to use the "native" or non-Eo name, you generally in writing differentiate it in some manner (e.g. sticking accusatives or a/o/e/i's on like this: manga-on), and in speaking you give the other speaker enough space around the word and say it clearly enough that they can make it out.
But when the EO option's clearer or simply common enough, you might as well use that version. But if you can't find a translation, don't feel as if you have to EO-icise the name necessarily.
(For EO placenames, a good option is to look up the place on wikipedia, then click on the Esperanto language option on the side after you're on the page, and it should give you a translation).
As for age, just a related question, is "Mi aĝas du dek jarojn" OK?
darkweasel (Montri la profilon) 2011-julio-03 08:17:43
ceigered:Yes, but dudek is written as one word.
As for age, just a related question, is "Mi aĝas du dek jarojn" OK?
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2011-julio-03 09:52:24
darkweasel:Chairs! (cheersceigered:Yes, but dudek is written as one word.
As for age, just a related question, is "Mi aĝas du dek jarojn" OK?

RiotNrrd (Montri la profilon) 2011-julio-03 17:15:42
ceigered:I believe the accepted format is if you are going to use the "native" or non-Eo name, you generally in writing differentiate it in some manner (e.g. sticking accusatives or a/o/e/i's on like this: manga-on)...For geographical names (countries, states, rivers, many cities, etc.), there are often commonly accepted eo versions, and I will tend to use those. However, for personal names of non-esperantists (or anyone that hasn't chosen an eo-form name for themselves), company names, and such, I use them "as is". So, I will use "Usono" for the USA, but "Jennifer" for Jennifer[1].
When you use a non-eo form name, it is not necessary to force it to conform to Esperanto. You do NOT have to use the accusative, for example; I hesitate to say that "Jennifer-on" is incorrect, but it is absolutely not necessary. The forms of the other Esperanto words in the sentence will tell you whether "Jennifer" is in the accusative or not.
"Mi ŝatas Jennifer", for example, is clear, regardless of the word-order, even though there is no accusative marking. "Jennifer ŝatas mi" still tells you that "Jennifer" is the direct object, because "mi" carries the form of the subject (i.e., "mi" doesn't have an -n at the end, so the non-eo name must have it by implication).
You will sometimes see people trying to cram an accusative -n on the end of non-eo words, frequently creating something that is virtually unpronounceable. There is no need for that, and it is perfectly acceptable to leave it off.
[1] But if Jennifer tells me that I should use "Jenifero" for her, then THAT is what I would use, and, as it has been Esperantized, would treat it like any Esperanto name, and give it the accusative ending where necessary.
dittmermatthew (Montri la profilon) 2011-julio-06 13:26:31