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Error i'm not able to create an account

de bugmenot3, 26 janvier 2021

Messages : 5

Langue: English

bugmenot3 (Voir le profil) 26 janvier 2021 00:03:18

When i try to create an account i never receive the email even if i click to send it again, Does anyone else has this problem?, any solutions?, i also try in different devices malgajo.gif please help me

Metsis (Voir le profil) 26 janvier 2021 08:32:01

Did you check your spam folder?

bugmenot3 (Voir le profil) 27 janvier 2021 00:00:19

Metsis:Did you check your spam folder?
Yes i did check the spam folder and even try with two different email

Metsis (Voir le profil) 27 janvier 2021 17:19:28

You are right. It does not work. At the bottom of every page there is "Kontaktu nin". Use that to open a form to submit a service request.

Hurto (Voir le profil) 3 février 2021 18:44:50

I had the same issue, but it works finally..

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