
Direct link to a dictionary entry?

글쓴이: Coltis, 2019년 5월 2일

글: 6

언어: English

Coltis (프로필 보기) 2019년 5월 2일 오후 1:38:57

I'm trying to figure out how to make a direct link to an entry in the lernu dictionary. When I search for something in the dictionary, the link does not change.

I found this old link, but it doesn't seem to work anymore. http://lernu.net/cgi-bin/serchi.pl?delingvo=en&...(word here)

Does anyone know if there's a new one?


Metsis (프로필 보기) 2019년 5월 3일 오전 6:55:48

While not answering your question you can have links to search words in PIV. PIV is more recommendable, since it gives clarifications and examples of use, while the dictionary here is more a list of possible translations.

En teknisk förklaring:
Jag har också lagt märke till att addressen inte ändras, när man slår upp ord här i Lernu. Det beror på att formuläret skickas per metoden "post" i ställer för "get", d.v.s. sökordet finns i innehållet av s.k. sidobegäran och inte som parameter i själva sidobegäran.

Urho (프로필 보기) 2019년 5월 3일 오후 12:16:30

MiMalamasLaAnglan (프로필 보기) 2019년 5월 3일 오후 3:06:40

Linking to PIV defeats the purpose because it is entirely in Esperanto, so you can't have a link to a translation, like in the example of http://lernu.net/cgi-bin/serchi.pl?delingvo=en&...

Coltis (프로필 보기) 2019년 5월 9일 오전 10:12:34

I'd love to use PIV, but I'm not quite ready for a monolingual dictionary.

Metsis (프로필 보기) 2019년 5월 9일 오후 6:02:20

There is also Reta vortaro, which is a multi-lingual dictionary, incl. svenskan. However it varies, which words have explanations in which other languages. But you can't have direct links to words in it. AFAIK the same thesaurus is used in the mobile applications PoŝReVo (Ios)/PReVo (Android).

I think examples of use are very important. The dictionary here is more a mere word list than a real dictionary. I have several times stumbled upon a word, that according to the examples is not at all appropriate in a certain context. In that sense PIV beats all, Reta vortaro being a close second.

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