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When will the function of private messsaging will start working againg?

от 3arin2, 9 мая 2018 г.

Сообщений: 9

Язык: English

3arin2 (Показать профиль) 9 мая 2018 г., 21:18:48

I've entered this great site after a couple of years of being inactive and I was shocked to realize I cannot message other users.
Is there any information on when will the function will be active again? ridulo.gif

Grown (Показать профиль) 10 мая 2018 г., 20:12:08

3arin2:I've entered this great site after a couple of years of being inactive and I was shocked to realize I cannot message other users.
Is there any information on when will the function will be active again? ridulo.gif
Never, IMO.

3arin2 (Показать профиль) 11 мая 2018 г., 12:52:35

OMG, one of the most important functions removed forever?

bartlett22183 (Показать профиль) 11 мая 2018 г., 18:27:02

Probably. The website underwent a major makeover, and some things changed probably permanently. One unfortunate change, in my opinion, is that most (all?) of the forums seem to be no longer moderated, so there are spammers who show up and are not thrown out.

Grown (Показать профиль) 12 мая 2018 г., 2:03:10

bartlett22183:Probably. The website underwent a major makeover, and some things changed probably permanently. One unfortunate change, in my opinion, is that most (all?) of the forums seem to be no longer moderated, so there are spammers who show up and are not thrown out.
They leave on their own when they find this isn't a market for them. Please just never click the invisible links, and never click on the links to gambling sites. You should be fine. Erinja is completely silent, as far as I know, I don't know why. Trolls want attention, but advertisers are a bit different. They want respect. When their ads are mocked, the rapidity of their disappearance is remarkable. So yeah, who wants oppositional behavior against advertisers, please don't Agranam, just use humor and they're nowhere to be found.

artward (Показать профиль) 16 мая 2018 г., 4:01:47

Having just joined, I have to say that it's very disappointing to read that PMs aren't enabled. Seeing the old functioning site in action on YouTube videos is what directed me here.

The error message for messaging states that 'it isn't ready on time' and that they hope to have all functionality returned in just a few months, but the timeline shows the new version of Lernu as having been launched in 2016.

Still - very difficult for me to complain about a free course and dictionary. I just wish it were a bit more community-based.

Donald (Показать профиль) 17 мая 2018 г., 22:35:39

I, like Artward, expressed my concern, some time ago, about no messaging system. Why, however, is it necessary to restore the old one? It seems to me it would be easier to set up a new system from scratch. Donald

Serveto (Показать профиль) 26 мая 2018 г., 5:55:19

I do not understand this. Private messaging did not require moderation. We used to be able to send postcards, and when we saw that people were online, we could send them a message--how hard could it be to set that up again? The inability to send a message to another user is frustrating and disappointing.

Vestitor (Показать профиль) 18 июня 2018 г., 8:48:47

The moderators here are a disgrace. Just one explanation is required to inform users about the status of this issue, but there has been nothing. The error message is idiotic and misleading since it promises something which has never materialised. I did contact the ESF to try and discover what was going on, but nothing seems to have changed. Lernu has thus squandered its former reputation as THE place for Esperanto social contact.
