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Angoroj available, apparently

від Miland, 17 липня 2007 р.

Повідомлення: 7

Мова: English

Miland (Переглянути профіль) 17 липня 2007 р. 09:58:55

The following website in Brazil appears to be selling the Esperanto film Angoroj, long thought to be lost. I don't plan to order it unless I can do it through a secure website, but if anyone has obtained a copy, it would be good to know their view:


EL_NEBULOSO (Переглянути профіль) 26 липня 2007 р. 06:02:21


I'll try to order it together with some other stuff within the next days. I guess it will take some time until I will receive it but then I will certainly respond here.

Anyway, I have to look again, but I think it's not the original film but a remake.

Ĝis revido, Geraldo

EL_NEBULOSO (Переглянути профіль) 26 липня 2007 р. 10:26:38

Just tried to order the DVD (and some other stuff).

For payment there are the options

- deposito ou transferencia
- boleto bancario

Is boleto bancario a credit card?

If so, why am I not asked for a number or anything?


mnlg (Переглянути профіль) 26 липня 2007 р. 11:02:15

I think it's a bank money order/money transfer ("bonifico" in Italian, according to my dictionary "kreditigo" in Esperanto). Not sure though.

EL_NEBULOSO (Переглянути профіль) 26 липня 2007 р. 12:20:20


I guess it's not easily possible for me to order. Why does an international shop not accept credit cards? Well, guess I have to ask them.


mikeloserevi (Переглянути профіль) 23 лютого 2008 р. 02:48:18

I just tried to order Angoroj from Pentuvio, and after my money went through, they said they couldn't send me the film. Apparently they have the DVDs still, but have run out of videotapes (normally they are sent as a pair), and according to them sending the DVD only is piracy. They apologized profusely and offered a refund, but I asked for some other items instead.

I would have suspected a bait-and-switch, but they immediately removed Angoroj from their catalog, which indicates an honest mistake. Too bad, I've been looking for this film for three years and thought I'd found it.


Miland (Переглянути профіль) 23 лютого 2008 р. 11:13:03

Too bad about Pentuvio. However, there's a clip from Angoroj on Youtube at the following webpage:


So some people must have it! I've written to the person who uploaded it.

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