Сообщений: 23
Язык: English
mistermephisto (Показать профиль) 1 ноября 2011 г., 2:29:40
Demian (Показать профиль) 1 ноября 2011 г., 3:27:52
gianich73:You got the essence. Now my question is: how common is this? How many people come to Lernu! or the E-o chatroom to escape from real life problems or to keep their "sanity".
However, if Esperanto is helping you to keep your sanity, then Esperanto is a winner.
ceigered (Показать профиль) 1 ноября 2011 г., 6:51:01

Mustelvulpo (Показать профиль) 1 ноября 2011 г., 13:03:44
gianich73 (Показать профиль) 1 ноября 2011 г., 13:09:39
Mustelvulpo:In any occupation, hobby, pursuit, profession- in any setting at all- you'll find winners, losers, and those who are just along for the ride. Esperanto is no different. I think most of the people you find here have one thing in common- an interest in language- how it develops, how it works, why we say the things we do, and how we can better communicate with and understand each other.Beautifully said. Dankon (Thank you).
erinja (Показать профиль) 1 ноября 2011 г., 13:16:07
I think this is common with small organizations. My dad is a member of a local club that supports nature conservation and environmental issues, and it seems like they have a similar mix of people.
patrik (Показать профиль) 1 ноября 2011 г., 13:20:02
ceigered:Actually the chatroom itself depresses meTime zone differences is to blame. You're way too early to most of us.Every time I've said hi, people say bye - I just have really bad timing.

I'm inclined to say "no", but who am I to say so? Really, the question irks me. Not that it's offensive, but it gives a negative impression. The word "loser" says it all.
Esperanto is for everyone, Esperanto is for all, regardless of attitudes and habits, even for Neo-Nazis and diehard racists, even for Randroids and Islamists...
qwertz (Показать профиль) 1 ноября 2011 г., 13:28:59
Demian:For me Esperanto language is edutaining tool. Hopefully it also gets more entertaining.
Is Esperanto for losers?
Could you meant "nerds" instead of "losers"?
Mustelvulpo:In any occupation, hobby, pursuit, profession- in any setting at all- you'll find winners, losers, and those who are just along for the ride. Esperanto is no different. I think most of the people you find here have one thing in common- an interest in language- how it develops, how it works, why we say the things we do, and how we can better communicate with and understand each other.I full agree to that. Very nice summary.
ceigered (Показать профиль) 1 ноября 2011 г., 13:36:32
erinja:And there are also a few people who are just very strange, and perhaps also very annoying, and you try to avoid them.That's any convention/meetings for anything except for business - and in business, that's probably because you're not being paid to make friends dammit! I wanted that report 5 minutes ago!

qwertz:Could you meant "nerds" instead of "losers"?No he means "people who feel down, unaccepted". Nerds can be called (insultingly) losers, but "loser" is normally just used to describe people feeling down or lacking confidence. Which nerds can often be in their formative years due to having a higher interest in interesting stuff instead of an interest in the BS social interactions of their prepubescent friends

qwertz (Показать профиль) 1 ноября 2011 г., 13:53:11
ceigered:So, would Nerds ever call themselves Loser?
qwertz:Could you meant "nerds" instead of "losers"?No he means "people who feel down, unaccepted". Nerds can be called (insultingly) losers, but "loser" is normally just used to describe people feeling down or lacking confidence. Which nerds can often be in their formative years due to having a higher interest in interesting stuff instead of an interest in the BS social interactions of their prepubescent friends
Seems to be that doesn't excist an German word of English "Nerd" word concept. In German I don't remember calling somebody Loser/Verlierer. Okay, just for joking reasons to some friends. But that had never had an serious matter. Same way we could call joking each other "Alter" or Bavarian "Oida" (=old man). Looking for most arrogant phrases could be much of fun, too. I.e. Bavarian: Magst du mir mal beschleunigt zuarbeiten? Would you feel unhappy to "allaboroi" more rapidly? K.t.p.