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Questions from Esperanto Primer Texts

av eojeff, 4 november 2011

Meddelanden: 3

Språk: English

eojeff (Visa profilen) 4 november 2011 16:17:12

I'm working my way though "Teach Yourself Esperanto" 3rd edition. On p. 16 of that edition it specifically says that "La familio Lang" is correct and in a footnote specifies "Not 'La Lang familio.'"

Why is the former correct and the latter not?


Miland (Visa profilen) 4 november 2011 19:57:11

This is a matter of long-standing custom. We might also say for example la kafejo Zamenhof. Here are some examples in PMEG (section "Propraj nomoj kiel priskriboj"). However, as you will see in the third box in this section, we can have la Atlantika oceano or la Mediterenea maro.

Chainy (Visa profilen) 4 november 2011 20:08:09

'La familio Lang' can be thought of as 'The family by the name of Lang'. In this case, Lang is not being used as an adjective in the a-ending sense.

The same goes for "La kafejo Zamenhof", which presumably means "The cafe called 'Zamenhof'".

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