

글쓴이: qwertz, 2011년 11월 5일

글: 2

언어: English

qwertz (프로필 보기) 2011년 11월 5일 오후 12:18:17


if you interested at EU-matters, probably being EU citizen, just try to follow that news tickers mentioned below:

My Esperanto related question regarding that:

Does there excists efforts of Esperantists who discuss drafts for an possible European constitution made by the citizens contrary to that ones made by EU national parliaments? In my opinion, mainly due of missing European constitution Greece probably has not the option to be governmented directly by European Parliament.


de: Das Sicherheitskabinett unter dem Vorsitz Papandreous entließ die Generalstabschefs der Streitkräfte sowie des Heeres, der Marine und der Luftwaffe. In Griechenland ist es nicht unüblich, dass Regierungen militärische Schlüsselpositionen mit ihnen nahestehenden Offizieren besetzen, wenn sie einen Machtwechsel fürchten.

en: The Security Cabinet, chaired by Papandreou dismissed the chief of staff of the armed forces and the Army, Navy and Air Force. In Greece it is not uncommon for military governments occupy key positions with officers close to them, if they fear a change of power.


de: "Wenn von meiner Seite etwas getan werden muss", sagt Georgios Papandreou in der bislang vielleicht wichtigsten Rede seiner Amtszeit, "werde ich nicht zögern, es zu tun."

en: "If by my side, something must be done," said Georgios Papandreou in so far perhaps the most important speech of his term of office, "I will not hesitate to do it."

Does Papandreou is frightening of an putsch?


de: Die EU muss sich der Verfassungsdebatte stellen

Die gegenwärtige Verfasstheit der EU und der Eurozone ist nicht ausreichend. Weitere Schritte der europäischen Einigung müssen folgen, wenn der Euro Bestand haben soll.

Die Staatsschuldenkrise hat die Akzeptanz eines vereinten Europas in der Bevölkerung unterminiert und nationale Egoismen neu belebt. Dem müssen wir dringend Einhalt gebieten: Es geht hier um Grundsatzfragen unserer Wirtschafts-, Sozial- und Verfassungsordnung, die über unser aller Zukunft entscheiden. Und an der Debatte darüber müssen sich alle gesellschaftlichen Gruppen beteiligen.

en: The EU has to face the constitutional debate

The current constitution of the EU and the euro zone is not sufficient. Further steps towards European unification must follow, if the euro is to endure.

The debt crisis has undermined the acceptance of a united Europe in the population and newly revived national egoism. Which we must urgently halt: it is here on basic issues of our economic, social and constitutional order, which will determine our future. And in the debate over must participate in all social groups.

erinja (프로필 보기) 2011년 11월 5일 오후 2:29:39

Maybe you could take this message to one of the Esperanto forums and discuss it there. It isn't really relevant to the English forums.

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