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Kindle Dictionaries

от ContextSwitch, 18 ноября 2011 г.

Сообщений: 12

Язык: English

Chainy (Показать профиль) 2 декабря 2011 г., 18:09:18

This Ray Kay 'author' really does seem dodgy. I wouldn't buy anything by him. Check this article out: Averto pri Kindle Esperanto-plagiato (= Warning about Kindle Esperanto plagiarism)

ContextSwitch (Показать профиль) 5 декабря 2011 г., 13:40:52

Chainy:This Ray Kay 'author' really does seem dodgy. I wouldn't buy anything by him. Check this article out: Averto pri Kindle Esperanto-plagiato (= Warning about Kindle Esperanto plagiarism)
Thanks for the link, it confirms what I've been thinking, which is he's one "author" to be avoided.
