پستها: 4
زبان: English
Greedn (نمایش مشخصات) 13 دسامبر 2011، 10:30:30
Mi petas vin legi gxin kaj noti kie mi eraris:
The description:
The Moscow agglomeration, proceeding from the present administrative, political and social-economic organization generates set of the problems connected first of all with non-uniformity of distribution of agglomeration resources (workplaces, social, cultural, administrative and so on). Such disproportion promotes occurrence of social and economic illnesses in region, deprives cities-companions of their historically developed appeal, reduces their cultural value, depriving of historical and cultural "addressing". Proceeding from the above described problems, we have made the decision of revision of all settlement system of Мoscow Region with leaving from "satellite" model of agglomeration of moving of region to the model of Regional System of Settlement consisting of independent and self-sufficient Local Systems (LSS) on the basis of the historical centers of region, united in Territorial complexes of Settlement. Everyone LSS is not so much city, in habitual understanding, this association of the urbanized and functionally closely connected territories where there is no division "city-suburb", "the industry and culture — agriculture". LSS includes all the functions, accompanying human activity, a considerable quantity of types of building morphology, social communications, versions of workplaces. The territory balance of everyone LSS is distinguished, depending on local natural and economic features, but on the average it makes 15 % - the urbanized part, 25 % - nature management, 60 % - nature protection territories. The LSS which is projected is «a linear city» with 2 expressed axes the West-east and diagonal communications between them. On "axes-belts" the basic functions LSS are strung: in the north — an industrial belt concentrated along the main railway and N.Novgorod's — S.-Peterburg highway, to the south — a belt of public functions of LSS, the bottom belt — residential areas behind which there are recreational areas LSR.
sudanglo (نمایش مشخصات) 13 دسامبر 2011، 11:30:49
The Moscow agglomeration(?), resulting from the present administrative, political and social-economic organization generates a set of problems connected primarily with the non-uniformity of distribution of agglomeration resources (workplaces, social, cultural, administrative and so on).
Such imbalances promote the regional occurrence of social and economic ills, deprive cities-companions(?) of their historically developed appeal, reduce their cultural value, depriving (?) of historical and cultural "addressing".
Proceeding from the above described problems, we have suggested the revision of all settlement systems of the Мoscow Region, abandoning the "satellite" model of agglomeration, and moving towards the model of Regional System of Settlement, consisting of independent and self-sufficient Local Systems (LSS) on the basis of the historical centers of region, united in Territorial complexes of Settlement.
Each LSS would be not so much a city, as this is usually understood, as an association of the urbanized and functionally closely connected territories where there is no division between city and suburb, or industrial, cultural and agricultural areas.
An LSS includes all the functions, accompanying human activity, a considerable quantity of types of building morphology, social communications, versions of workplaces. The territorial balance of each LSS may differ, depending on local natural and economic features, but on the average it is comprised of 15 % - the urbanized part, 25 % - nature management, 60 % - nature conservation territories.
Sorry, I lost the will to live at this point.
Anyway, thanks for a brilliant demonstration of why English should not be the international language.
Miland (نمایش مشخصات) 13 دسامبر 2011، 11:50:37
As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. I suggest that you include a diagram in your essay. What follows is only my interpretation, since I have no picture before me.
"The projected LSS is an elongated city with two main "rays", to the East and West, with communications along diagonal lines between them. The main facilities are arranged around these rays. To the North is an industrial belt, concentrated around the main railway line and the highway from Petersburg in the South to Novgorod in the North. In the South is a region of public facilities, beyond which are recreational areas."
Greedn (نمایش مشخصات) 14 دسامبر 2011، 14:26:02