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Esperanto words with the ad hoc suffix -um

de cFlat7, 2 février 2012

Messages : 4

Langue: English

cFlat7 (Voir le profil) 2 février 2012 14:59:01

I just noticed that this Wikipedia article has been recently updated (this topic was recently discussed in this formum):

Roberto12 (Voir le profil) 5 février 2012 18:09:38

Having once started to compile such a list myself, I'm glad someone else has already done it.

darkweasel (Voir le profil) 5 février 2012 19:23:43

There’s such a list even somewhere in an ancient thread on this forum.

sudanglo (Voir le profil) 6 février 2012 12:39:48

Your link, Cflat, gives a useful table of -um words, but I have some reservation about fumumi for to smoke a cigarette, pipe etc.

(Zamenhof smoked like a trooper and I can't imagine that he used this word when offering round his cigarettes.)

This look likes some invention based on some dubious theoretical consideration.

Fumi actually means to smoke (cigarettes etc). Fumaĵi means to smoke (kippers etc)

But fumi also means fum(o)i - the action of generating smoke.

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