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TWO Hangouts (Google+) this weekend. Join us!

de pauxleto, 2 mars 2012

Messages : 1

Langue: English

pauxleto (Voir le profil) 2 mars 2012 12:59:32

Esperantists of all levels get together and talk at

Esperantistoj (komencantoj aŭ ne) kutime babilas ĉe

TWO Hangouts (Google+) this weekend. Join us!

Du KUNVIDEJOJ ĉi tiu semajnfino. PARTOPRENU!!

Saturday, March 3rd, 2012

UTC / GMT, Universal / Greenwich Time: 16:00

MINNEAPOLIS, United States, Minnesota: 10:00
BERLIN, Germany: 17:00
BRASILIA, Brazil: 13:00
VANCOUVER, Canada, British Columbia: 08:00
SHANGHAI, China: 00:00 (SUNDAY, March 4th!!)
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina: 13:00

Sunday, March 4, 2012

UTC / GMT, Universal / Greenwich Time: 18:00

MINNEAPOLIS, United States, Minnesota: 12:00
BERLIN, Germany: 19:00
BRASILIA, Brazil: 15:00
VANCOUVER, Canada, British Columbia: 10:00
SHANGHAI, China: 02:00 (MONDAY, March 5th!!)
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina: 15:00

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