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Awareness of Interlingua among Esperanto speakers

door pdenisowski, 3 maart 2012

Berichten: 22

Taal: English

sudanglo (Profiel tonen) 4 maart 2012 12:26:17

Let me help you with the translation Kirilo.

Panorama guesses digitally.

Multicoloured Panorama recipients are against all changes on account of lack of money through guessing digital subscription.

Simples! But, gobbledygook - quod erat demonstrandum.

samueldora (Profiel tonen) 4 maart 2012 14:04:05

I think Esperanto speakers are more than average aware of Interlingua. For myself I had a short look at Interlingua, then chose Esperanto because besides other advantages it is the by far better brand. But if the European Community decided for Interlingua (or Ido, but not Volapük or Lojban) I would not hesitate to learn it.

Demian (Profiel tonen) 4 maart 2012 15:53:47

As is usually the case we have once again wandered off the topic.

Pdenisowski asked a simple question:

pdenisowski:Why there seems to be so little attention paid to Interlingua among the Esperanto community?
But the discussion has digressed and we've started talking about the pros and cons of Interlingua. It's an interesting topic in itself but that's not what he asked.

erinja (Profiel tonen) 4 maart 2012 17:07:42

pdenisowski:Why there seems to be so little attention paid to Interlingua among the Esperanto community?
But the discussion has digressed and we've started talking about the pros and cons of Interlingua. It's an interesting topic in itself but that's not what he asked.
I certainly answered his question fairly specifically, relatively early in this discussion.

It seems that Esperanto speakers are well aware of Interlingua but simply not very interested in it, so they just don't talk about it.

pdenisowski (Profiel tonen) 4 maart 2012 17:59:40

pdenisowski:Why there seems to be so little attention paid to Interlingua among the Esperanto community?
But the discussion has digressed and we've started talking about the pros and cons of Interlingua. It's an interesting topic in itself but that's not what he asked.
I certainly answered his question fairly specifically, relatively early in this discussion.

It seems that Esperanto speakers are well aware of Interlingua but simply not very interested in it, so they just don't talk about it.
Thanks to all for the informative answers -- they are very much appreciated.

An a very unscientific way I'm going to assume that Esperantists may be aware of the existence of Interlingua but not the extent to which it is an active, growing language (unlike Volapuk, LSF, or even Ido).

One comment I will make is that the epicenter (so to speak) of Interlingua is actually in the Scandinavian countries. For people who speak a non-Romance language, learning Interlingua does have some very clear and immediate practical benefits. If you already speak a Romance language, there is much less return on investment from learning Interlingua.

One theory I have is that the lack of a "movado" is one of the big differentiators between Esperanto/Ido/Volapuk and Interlingua. Interlingua has never had much of an ideology associated with it, for better or for worse.

Thanks again for all the insightful comments.



Kirilo81 (Profiel tonen) 4 maart 2012 18:41:57

sudanglo:Let me help you with the translation Kirilo.

Panorama guesses digitally.

Multicoloured Panorama recipients are against all changes on account of lack of money through guessing digital subscription.
Wow, for real? I understood something like that the recipients of satellite (TV?) have monetary benefits from switching to digital reception... shoko.gif

To answer the original question (which I somehow already did): I think those esperantists who are interested in other auxlangs at all have taken a look at Interlingua and have come to the same conclusion: It's not for us.
But most e-ists are simply not interested in the former or actual competitors.

sudanglo (Profiel tonen) 4 maart 2012 21:26:57

Of course, Kirilo I have no real idea what the passage means. I was just trying to suggest, that the claim for it being readable by an intelligent educated European might not be justified.

Where does it refer to Satellites? Does Panorama mean widescreen?

pdenisowski (Profiel tonen) 5 maart 2012 02:30:01

Panorama deveni digital
Recipe Panorama in colores ante omne alteres pro minus de moneta per devenir abonato digital.
Very funny translations rideto.gif

Panorama (the Interlingua magazine) is going (becoming) digital. Receive Panorama in color before all others (everyone else) for less money by becoming a digital subscriber.

The word "devenir" means "to become" (the same as in French). To "guess" is "divenir" (like Esperanto diveni).

I ran the Interlingua through Google Translate with source language as "Latin" and this is what I got (in English and Esperanto)

"Take in the colors of Panorama, before all others for less money by digital abonato arrive."



Sjamiletto (Profiel tonen) 17 november 2020 20:25:51

I personally think that users of Esperanto fall to another category than users of Interlingua.

Users of Esperanto like to build words with suffixes and prefixes while users of Interlingua are more fond of the recognition of words.

In my opinion both Esperanto and Interlingua have their own flaws. By using to many suffixes and prefixes words are not recognizable anymore.

Some words in Esperanto I think they are not so good like "perforto" for violence. And what would you say about "Milito estas for". War is over.

But for using Interlingua you have to know more Latin words to understand them.

Therefore I recommand that some words in Esperanto can be replaced by words from other languages.There must be more freedom to use other words like in natural languages. And it would not be contradictory to the Fundamento.

Zam_franca (Profiel tonen) 17 november 2020 22:59:35

And what would you say about "Milito estas for". War is over.
"War is over" would be as far as I'm concerned "Milito ĉesigis" or "Milito finiĝis".

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