訊息: 4
語言: English
chrisim101010 (顯示個人資料) 2012年3月23日上午6:33:07
I posted this question on the Esperanto forum, but with no reply, so i am concerned that perhaps it does not exist as an eBook. I am still hopeful that someone may know.
unpensador (顯示個人資料) 2012年3月23日上午7:18:23
chrisim101010:Is "Ia Danĝera Linĝvo" available as an eBook?I used Google: Esperanto "La danĝera libro" e-book
I posted this question on the Esperanto forum, but with no reply, so i am concerned that perhaps it does not exist as an eBook. I am still hopeful that someone may know.
and I got something, but I don't understand well how to download it
La dangxera libro pri Esperanto kaj Interlingua
I used in Google: Esperanto La danĝera libro e-book kaj
and I got something, but I don't understand well how to download it
La dangxera libro pri Esperanto kaj Interlingua
La dangxera libro pri Esperanto kaj Interlingua
2049 Golden Bernard Sociologiaj resumaroj Esperanto 1979 Majo, 1979, vol.72, n-ro 881/5/, p. 88. INTERLINGVISTIKO /krom Volapuko/ 101 http://www.google.es/search?client=opera&rls=e...
2050 Golden Bernard Another desperate attack against Esperanto Esperanto Teacher 1991 1991 somero; 165: 9-11 /recenzo de International languages - a matter for Interlingua de F.P.Gopsill, 1990/ INTERLINGVISTIKO /krom Volapuko/ 101
2051 Golden Bernard La dangxera libro pri Esperanto kaj Interlingua Fenomeno 1991 1991 julio-auxgusto; 23 (7) : 1-3. INTERLINGVISTIKO /krom Volapuko/ 101
2052 Golden Bernard Kiam estos tradukita la tuta Biblio en Interlingua-n? Dia Regno 1991 1991 auxgusto; 8 (720) : 4-5 INTERLINGVISTIKO /krom Volapuko/ 101
2053 Golden Bernard Polisinteza pigino Heroldo de Esperanto 1991 1991 - 1 septembro - 67; 11-12 (1846-1847) : 8. /Recenzo de La Fundamento de Poliespo de Nvwtohiyada Idehesdi Sequoyah, 1991/ INTERLINGVISTIKO /krom Volapuko/ 101 No comprendo (¡?)
I'm sorry, but I am sleepy.
Friendly greetings
I'm sorry, but I am sleepy.
Friendly greetings

erinja (顯示個人資料) 2012年3月23日上午11:01:20
I haven't searched but I think that there is almost zero chance that "La danĝera lingvo" is available as an e-book.
chrisim101010 (顯示個人資料) 2012年3月24日上午6:32:02
erinja:Almost no modern Esperanto books (that is, books still under copyright, with living authors) are available as e-books, particularly books that were released more than about five years ago (La danĝera lingvo was first published in the 80's, I believe)Damn. I was afraid that was going to be the case. looks like i will be buying the dead tree version after all.
I haven't searched but I think that there is almost zero chance that "La danĝera lingvo" is available as an e-book.