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Accusative case uncertainity

от logixoul, 26 августа 2005 г.

Сообщений: 3

Язык: English

logixoul (Показать профиль) 26 августа 2005 г., 20:47:37

I think "Bildoj kaj Demandoj", question 50.2 is wrong.

Question: Kien Ana metas la panon?

My answer: Ana metas la panon en la sako.

Their answer: Ana metas la panon en la sakon.

Whose answer is right and why?

240-843-895 (Показать профиль) 27 августа 2005 г., 1:03:34

Their answer is right. They asked "To where did Ana place the bread?" And your answer was "Ana placed the bread in the bag." while their answer was "Ana placed the bread into the bag." They asked from direction when they said "kien", so you answer with the direction.

logixoul (Показать профиль) 27 августа 2005 г., 10:26:09

Ah, I get it. Thanks.

Ha, mi komprenas. Dankon.
