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lernu PDFs show up strangely on Mac

by eb.eric, September 9, 2007

Messages: 6

Language: English

eb.eric (User's profile) September 9, 2007, 5:37:43 PM

I noticed that when I open the pdf files of a lesson on my Mac computer (OS X 10.4), the accented characters do not show up properly (they appear as other characters such as the copyright symbol,the paragraph symbol, an upside-down h, etc.)

Is there a setting I can change (ie. to unicode?) in Preview or is there a problem with the PDFs?

I can try to download Adobe for Mac if such a thing exists, but obviously fixing the problem another way is preferable.


eb.eric (User's profile) September 9, 2007, 11:06:38 PM

I downloaded Adobe Reader for Mac and it recognizes the Esperanto characters.

ehanson (User's profile) September 20, 2007, 12:04:40 AM

Are you using Preview? They look fine on my machine OS X 10.4.1

eb.eric (User's profile) September 20, 2007, 3:37:29 AM

ehanson:Are you using Preview? They look fine on my machine OS X 10.4.1
Yes, they show up strangely in Preview. My OS is version 10.4.10 (Intel).

Keke (User's profile) October 18, 2007, 12:17:02 AM

ehanson:Are you using Preview? They look fine on my machine OS X 10.4.1
Yes, they show up strangely in Preview. My OS is version 10.4.10 (Intel).
I have the same problem using Preview. Also 10.4.10.

ehanson (User's profile) October 24, 2007, 11:12:18 PM

ehanson:Are you using Preview? They look fine on my machine OS X 10.4.1
Yes, they show up strangely in Preview. My OS is version 10.4.10 (Intel).
I have the same problem using Preview. Also 10.4.10.
Hmm. Ok, I just opened one on my kids mac and it did mess up the fonts. I'll try and track down the problem however I can confirm they open properly with Acrobat.

If you download Acrobat Reader you should be able to read them without a problem.

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