
Universala Esperanto Metodo -- Now in Colour

od cFlat7, 13 kwietnia 2012

Wpisy: 5

Język: English

cFlat7 (Pokaż profil) 13 kwietnia 2012, 03:38:28

You may recall that a few years ago we scanned Benson's "Universala Metodo Esperanto" and made it available on our club's website:


I recently discovered that a Polish Esperantist has been converting the book into a colorized version and has redone the typesetting. It really brings the work alive:


I wish I had this when I was starting out. But even now the stories in section II are fun to read, especially with the text now re-typeset.

opalo (Pokaż profil) 13 kwietnia 2012, 18:45:49


Oranĝa. Do nun vi scias.

galvis (Pokaż profil) 13 kwietnia 2012, 21:18:32

I like this colorized version of this excellent course, written by doctor Benson.

tbc3 (Pokaż profil) 4 lipca 2019, 01:56:42

The link seems to be not working. Is this PDF still available? And would anyone have a link to share?

Many thanks!

opajpoaj (Pokaż profil) 4 lipca 2019, 08:10:39

tbc3:The link seems to be not working. Is this PDF still available? And would anyone have a link to share?

Many thanks!
This one ? https://eduinf.waw.pl/esp/lern/uem/index.php

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