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Economic Terminology

av Wilhelm, 7 december 2012

Meddelanden: 7

Språk: English

Wilhelm (Visa profilen) 7 december 2012 04:15:47

I've been trying to translate some introductory economic articles on Modern Monetary Theory that deserve to be made available to the non-economist general public, Esperanto speaking & otherwise.

My problem is in translating economic terminology. I would like to use existing terminology but cannot find translations of some key vocabulary.

My question therefore is two-part, one specific, the other general.

1) translations for "Balance of Payments" and its two primary components "Current Account" & "Capital Account".

I've found translations for two of them but I'm not sure if they are standard.

"Balance of Payments" -> pagopesilo
"current account" – spezobilanco

The third one, "Capital Account", I can't find anything.

2) Does anyone know if economic terminology has been standardized in Esperanto and if so where one might find it, hopefully online?



hebda999 (Visa profilen) 7 december 2012 07:00:09

Try this one:

Ekonomia vortaro

kefga_x (Visa profilen) 7 december 2012 10:22:42

hebda999:Try this one:

Ekonomia vortaro
Tio fakte aspektas tre bone, kaj mi vidas ke ene estas anglaj vortoj. Tamen, estas plejparte en la rusa (kaj esperanto). Ĉu vi scias ĉu ekzistas tian vortaron angle?

Edit: Whoops, didn't realize this is the English forums.

Your dictionary looks good, and even has some English words in it, but it's mostly in Russian. Do you know if a similar dictionary exists in English?

sudanglo (Visa profilen) 7 december 2012 11:05:22

My copy of the 9-language economic and commercial dictionary from the seventies gives:

Balance of payments - pago-bilanco

Current account - kuranta konto

Capital Account - kapitalkonto

Those terms seem OK to me, but I have no idea of their currency.

Edit: I would guess that this Kuwer-Harrap dictionary is now out of print. However I did see a reference in a recent thread (Dictionaries) to a multi-lingual Stock market dictionary which included Esperanto. Look for Borsa Vortaro in this link

Wilhelm (Visa profilen) 12 december 2012 18:53:03

Thanks for the responses, much appreciated.

sudanglo:My copy of the 9-language economic and commercial dictionary from the seventies gives:
Balance of payments - pago-bilanco
Doesn't "bilanco" refer to balance sheets and therefore a "pago-bilanco" refers to a physical balance sheet recording payments?

sudanglo (Visa profilen) 12 december 2012 20:35:38

From PIV: Bilanco - tabela kalkulo montranta, laŭ aktivo k pasivo, la financan staton de firmo, de kliento, de banko aŭ eĉ de tuta regno: bilanco de la eksterlanda komerco. (mia grasigo).

Balance, in the sense of the final balance of an account is 'saldo'. Diferenco inter debeto k kredito: saldo debeta, kredita; favora saldo (en bilanco, sumo restanta ĉe ies kredito).

So I suppose it depends on how you view the balance of payments, as all the calculation, or the final balance.

But other European languages seem all to use a word like balance for this expression.

If you don't like pago-bilanco you could imitate French and say bilanco de pagoj.

Roberto12 (Visa profilen) 14 december 2012 15:29:45

Maybe someone should make Esperanto subtitles for selected editions of The Kaiser Report ridulo.gif

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