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what is this?

fra s.hofius,2007 10 28

Meldinger: 3

Språk: English

s.hofius (Å vise profilen) 2007 10 28 00:34:58

can someone tell me what kind of flag this is in this picture? it almost looks like it's the elna logo on it. the image is from an episode of king of the hill

bluaMauritius (Å vise profilen) 2007 10 30 15:34:11

Kaj kio estas tio: mento - czu teajjo, czu pensmaniero ktp.?

Vi ja certe ne stumblis je la flago apuda, sed se tamen ankau, tiam mi klarigas volonte la texton sur gji apenau legeblan (temas pri altevivuo al Linguna).

What is this?
Kio estas tio? legidŝas "mento", sed ne estas iel ia teo, sed pli probable, latindevene un nova vokabl:
(Proponite dra Linguna)

mento .... (trapensado, mensa perspekto, remedito, pens manier, pensihharaktero, traspiriteco, fortego de imagado.
{En kompósitoi kun adjektivo aplikebla ankau, exemple adverbe: logikamente, ktp., sed néniam tiel remplasanta la formon adverban kaj lokativan de "-e"}
(G.: einsicht, durchdenken, verstandesmaessige einsicht, durchblick, ueberdenken, denkweise, charakter, gesinnung, denkungsart, durchgeistigung, einbildungskraft, vorstellungsvermögen, art und spezifische weise von jem.
[Lat.: mens, mentis]
/ insight, judjement, understanding, vista, view, prospect, (spiritual) penetration, reflection, reflecting |thinking over, way of thinking, mentality, character, mind, sentiment, conviction, opinions, (power of) imagination, principles, imaginitive faculty, sombody's special manner and kind of (handling, dealing with).
I did not find these translations behind Esperanto "menso"; indeed, I'm still searching and gathering the right Esperanto words for Latin "mens, mentis".
(as being suggested in Linguna, the follower of Esperanto, by "mento").

mentala = (G.: mental), mental

(({sed: mintho
anstatau Esperante "mento" (G.: minze; Fr.: menthe}, mint )))

What would you answer? Isn't it rather poor to insert "mento" as mint, instead of
"mento" for the above stated conceptions?
And anybody suggesting the slightest change of dear old Esperanto in view of the greater tasks of the modern times, this one is mad? Is she/is he?
Exactly that was the way of thinking (the 'mento') of the stubborn Esperanto bones during the last 30 years!
Up to now, where electronics and internet have made it quite impossible to continue further oppression of freedom of speech in Esperanto and on Esperanto and on Linguna.

Yours sincerely
---hdito ~*~

erinja (Å vise profilen) 2007 10 30 20:24:10

Please start a new forum thread if you want to change the topic. You can feel free to talk about anything in these forums (so long as it isn't obscene/offensive/insulting), but if your message doesn't really relate to the topic of the thread you are posting to, the polite thing to do is create a new thread.

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