
MMOs and Esperanto


メッセージ: 41

言語: English

Zafur (プロフィールを表示) 2013年7月5日 0:57:15

Ah, I also have Animal Crossing, but I'd need to go find my 3DS first to get my FC! And yeah, the previous ones aren't really necessary, they're all the same with upgrades along the way.

MMOwise, I have GW2, though I don't play it often because my desktop is close to dying. I also play Earth Eternal on a private server, renamed "Planet Forever". It's a F2P game designed to be playable in a browser that never got out of beta so it's not that great, but I still like it and the community. lango.gif Hey, at least it has 22 races, and none are human.

shmurk (プロフィールを表示) 2013年12月7日 16:55:17

Hi ! I play League of Legends. For the interrested ones, my pseudo is "Kuchengeschmack". It would be nice to me to take contact with esperantists player. ridulo.gif

Vespero_ (プロフィールを表示) 2013年12月8日 2:05:34

shmurk:Hi ! I play League of Legends. For the interrested ones, my pseudo is "Kuchengeschmack". It would be nice to me to take contact with esperantists player. ridulo.gif
I play (Vespero2), but haven't played in a while because of Uni. I'll be on over Christmas Holiday, though.

SamuelG (プロフィールを表示) 2013年12月8日 4:18:57

I also play League of Legends, in the NA servers. DutchDerksen or Neskred if you want to play or practice Esperanto... OR BOTH!

kaŝperanto (プロフィールを表示) 2013年12月10日 17:32:41

Anyone interested in the upcoming Elder Scrolls Online? I played the snot out of the other Elder Scrolls games, and I love that universe. The only MMO I've played would be Runescape, but that was many years ago.

Aubright (プロフィールを表示) 2013年12月10日 19:22:49

I'm looking forward to The Elder Scrolls Online pretty much just so I can go back to Morrowind. I may not be the Nerrevarine this time around, but by the nine divines I will see those giant mushroom forests again!

captainzhang (プロフィールを表示) 2013年12月11日 17:13:16

MMO means massive multiplayer online (of course you know that), but I do not know how many players you require for the game to be considered a MMO. I play a simple 2D game called The Mana World, but it doesn't have many players compared to the games you listed, but I enjoy it.

YMendelsono (プロフィールを表示) 2015年9月10日 11:47:02

I play GW2 on Darkhaven server, I'm not sure if realms/servers matter when playing with friends

It's also free to play now too.

Anyone else play?

Alkanadi (プロフィールを表示) 2015年9月10日 13:35:39

YMendelsono:I play GW2 on Darkhaven server, I'm not sure if realms/servers matter when playing with friends

It's also free to play now too.

Anyone else play?
There is a free open source game by Mozilla, which is called browser quest. It would be cool if we could translate it to Esperanto.

Tempodivalse (プロフィールを表示) 2015年9月10日 16:07:23

Anyone tried to translate the opensource 0A.D. into Esperanto? I signed up for the translation team, looks like someone attempted a few translations, but it's kind of daunting for one person to do. This would be a good way to expand your knowledge of ancient warfare terms, if you're interested ...

