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Esperanto Tattoos

від InsaneInter, 30 травня 2013 р.

Повідомлення: 32

Мова: English

InsaneInter (Переглянути профіль) 30 травня 2013 р. 14:48:59

This is prob. a silly question, but are there any specific tattoos for the Esperanto culture? If so, can anybody give me some pics? Appropriate ones, LOL.

Benjamino (Переглянути профіль) 30 травня 2013 р. 15:43:34

InsaneInter:This is prob. a silly question, but are there any specific tattoos for the Esperanto culture? If so, can anybody give me some pics? Appropriate ones, LOL.
alia esperantisto iam konsilis al mi ne akiri esperantan tatuaĵon, ĉar "vi bedaŭros ĝin kiam vi kabeos."

if you didn't understand that at first read, you might want to wait a while ridulo.gif

InsaneInter (Переглянути профіль) 30 травня 2013 р. 17:15:53

I put it in Google translate LOL. Why? Are tattoos looked down apon in the Esperanto community?

evanamd (Переглянути профіль) 30 травня 2013 р. 18:11:33

He just meant that you'll regret it when(if) you give up Esperanto.

On a more general note, waiting until you're fluent in a language before getting a tattoo in that language is always a good idea. You'll be able to make sure it's the correct word, not to mention you avoid the stigma of pretentiousness. I don't know how it is where you live, but where I live, it's seen as stupid and arrogant to get a Chinese character tattooed on your body if you can't speak Chinese. The same goes for other languages, naturally.

InsaneInter (Переглянути профіль) 30 травня 2013 р. 18:22:45

evanamd:He just meant that you'll regret it when(if) you give up Esperanto.

On a more general note, waiting until you're fluent in a language before getting a tattoo in that language is always a good idea. You'll be able to make sure it's the correct word, not to mention you avoid the stigma of pretentiousness. I don't know how it is where you live, but where I live, it's seen as stupid and arrogant to get a Chinese character tattooed on your body if you can't speak Chinese. The same goes for other languages, naturally.
Hmm... I don't think anybody rly cares where I live; ppl get them 'cause they like how Chinese characters look. Some ppl know what they mean though. Never heard anyone call tats of any kind( expect racist kinds) pretentious. Btw, are you fluent in Esperanto? I just started learning it. Lovin' every second! Gxis poste!

pdenisowski (Переглянути профіль) 31 травня 2013 р. 02:15:31

InsaneInter:This is prob. a silly question, but are there any specific tattoos for the Esperanto culture? If so, can anybody give me some pics? Appropriate ones, LOL.
A few weeks ago I was in line buying tickets to see a movie and a guy in front of me had green star (about 2 inches across) tattooed on his upper left arm. I was tempted to start speaking loudly in Esperanto to see if he would turn around, but thought better of it when I saw some of his other tattoos ridulo.gif

I would think a green star would be the ideal tattoo. For the last 20 years I've also had a magnet on my fridge that reads "Ĉiu unu populo" - not a bad Esperantist slogan.



Bruso (Переглянути профіль) 31 травня 2013 р. 02:55:05

InsaneInter:Are tattoos looked down apon in the Esperanto community?
I sincerely hope so.

noelekim (Переглянути профіль) 31 травня 2013 р. 04:52:46

InsaneInter:Are tattoos looked down apon in the Esperanto community?
I sincerely hope so.
They also make people in Japan nervous (so maybe also in other parts of East Asia):

La plej multaj sento-oj [publikaj banejoj] indikas per ŝildoj, ke eniro estas malpermesita al tatuitaj personoj. Oficiale oni diras pro higienaj kialoj, sed la vera kialo estas por ne akcepti membrojn de la japana mafio, nomitaj Yakuza, kiu kutime estas tre tatuitaj kaj do facile rekoneblaj nudaj. Pli malgrandaj tatuoj, kiujn foje havas eŭropanoj, estas kutime akceptitaj. http://newikis.com/eo/Sent%C5%8D.html

efilzeo (Переглянути профіль) 31 травня 2013 р. 07:18:42

I saw a guy with the tattoo of the Esperanto flag on his shoulder, you could even do the Zamenhof face like the Che Guevara one, ha ha. A more cautious one would be a script in Esperanto though, at least you'll never regret that phrase if it is very important to you, and everyone would ask you what it means and in what language it's written.


mschmitt (Переглянути профіль) 31 травня 2013 р. 07:39:09

Pasintan aŭtunon, ni havis gaston ĉe nia grupo, kiu havas multe da esperanto-simboloj tatuitaj sur lia brako. Kelkaj steloj, la esperanto-flago, kaj la notoj de la espero. Ankaŭ li havas tie la biblian verson pri la turo de babelo, en la latina, sed mi ne certas kion mi pensu pri tio.

Last fall, we had a guest at the esperanto group, who has many esperanto-related symbols tatooed on his arm: Several stars, the esperanto flag and the notes of La Espero. He also has the biblical quote about the tower of babel (in latin) on his arm, but I don't know for sure what to think about that.

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