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от pikapoo, 25 февраля 2005 г.

Сообщений: 3

Язык: English

pikapoo (Показать профиль) 25 февраля 2005 г., 22:59:06

how long did it take you to learn esperanto?

kavipatro (Показать профиль) 6 июня 2005 г., 5:01:32

How well?

Well enough to swear? Well enough to ask for directions? Well enough to write little notes to other lernu users?

sarcasmdude1292 (Показать профиль) 25 августа 2005 г., 17:20:56

It takes different people different amounts of time.  Some can master it after only a few weeks of studying.  I myself have been studying Esperanto for a few months now and have acheived a good proficeincy of the language.  Note: My study plan for esperanto is not very intense, mostly only when i have free time.  One of my problems has been correlitives.
