
DIY (Do It Yourself)?

貼文者: NJ Esperantist, 2013年10月28日

訊息: 13

語言: English

NJ Esperantist (顯示個人資料) 2013年10月28日下午3:27:32

In America (and other places I'm sure) a person who repairs or renovates their own house or even someone who refinishes or builds their own furniture on a non-professional level is known as a do-it-yourselfer. I'm trying to puzzle out how to say 'do-it-yourself' in that sense in Esperanto.

Probably doesn't need to be said, but I'm looking for something concise and snappy, not something like 'iu kiu amatore riparas sian propran domon aux meblon'. To some extent it extends to those who repair their own cars.

kaŝperanto (顯示個人資料) 2013年10月28日下午3:44:32

My guess: memfaranto -- from "memfari" = home-made, self-produced (according to lernu! vortaro).

I suppose home-done and self-done are also valid interpretations from the root fari (make or do).

NJ Esperantist (顯示個人資料) 2013年10月28日下午4:16:09

kaŝperanto:My guess: memfaranto -- from "memfari" = home-made, self-produced (according to lernu! vortaro).

I suppose home-done and self-done are also valid interpretations from the root fari (make or do).
It always amazes me when an answer is Soooo simple, yet my brain won't click it into place until someone else says it. Thanks!

RiotNrrd (顯示個人資料) 2013年10月28日下午4:52:01

I would go for memfarulo. Memfaranto would be someone doing it themselves (whatever it is) at the moment, but there's no implication that they do it very often. The -ulo suffix indicates that it's more a part of who they are.

kaŝperanto (顯示個人資料) 2013年10月28日下午4:55:34

NJ Esperantist:
kaŝperanto:My guess: memfaranto -- from "memfari" = home-made, self-produced (according to lernu! vortaro).

I suppose home-done and self-done are also valid interpretations from the root fari (make or do).
It always amazes me when an answer is Soooo simple, yet my brain won't click it into place until someone else says it. Thanks!

I also have frequent "why didn't I see that" moments, especially when reading above my current level and seeing usage that is very un-english-like. To be honest, I did not know of "memfari" until guessing through a few iterations and seeing if they are defined in the vortaro. Solfaranto was my first guess, but I like mem- better than sol- to indicate the spirit of DIY, which is not necessarily done alone (hopefully it is done with a friend and some (insert favorite alcoholic beverage here, unless it involves power tools or vehicles of course) okulumo.gif )

kaŝperanto (顯示個人資料) 2013年10月28日下午5:07:36

RiotNrrd:I would go for memfarulo. Memfaranto would be someone doing it themselves (whatever it is) at the moment, but there's no implication that they do it very often. The -ulo suffix indicates that it's more a part of who they are.
So much the better that we have multiple levels of "do-it-yourselfer" in Esperanto.

I also like "memfarado" for "do-it-yourself", to describe the subject/field itself. Memfarema could also be used to describe someone who isn't a devout DIYer.

NJ Esperantist (顯示個人資料) 2013年10月28日下午7:17:53

RiotNrrd:I would go for memfarulo. Memfaranto would be someone doing it themselves (whatever it is) at the moment, but there's no implication that they do it very often. The -ulo suffix indicates that it's more a part of who they are.
'memfar' was the key in the solution. I can see using different suffixes at different times. Now I can't recall why I needed the word... (diable!)

sudanglo (顯示個人資料) 2013年10月29日上午11:00:37

Yes memfara vendejo works well for DIY store.

And 'are you any good at DIY' could be ĉu vi kompetentas/lertas pri memfarado. But if you need a neologism for DIY (verb) 'brikoli' suggests itself (transparent to romance language speakers and not too difficult to guess for speakers of germanic languages because of the brik - according to GT, DIY store in German is baumarkt).

Note that memfarita homo is a self-made man not a DIY-er.

Memdekori and memkonstrui are more specific than memfari.

fajrkapo (顯示個人資料) 2013年10月29日下午12:57:24

How do you pronounce diy? hope it isn´t like die..(daj in Eo), but sometimes diy is like die...ridulo.gif

Faru vi mem, or faru oni mem (fom) didn´t suit?

kaŝperanto (顯示個人資料) 2013年10月29日下午1:38:11

fajrkapo:How do you pronounce diy? hope it isn´t like die..(daj in Eo), but sometimes diy is like die...ridulo.gif

Faru vi mem, or faru oni mem (fom) didn´t suit?
I have only ever heard this one pronounced as "di aj ŭaj", never as "die".
