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How to say "for" in a given context?

od johnnotegbert, 25. februára 2014

Príspevky: 3

Jazyk: English

johnnotegbert (Zobraziť profil) 25. februára 2014 5:25:19

There are two prepositions in Esperanto which could be translated as "for" in English--"pro" and "por"?

What are the differences between the two? Specifically, which would you use to say that someone did something for someone else, e.g. "I picked up the book for him [because he was not able]"? Thank you!

efilzeo (Zobraziť profil) 25. februára 2014 7:20:58

They have two very different meanings.

Por = indicates the aim of the action. I did it for you = mi faris tion por vi. I picked up the book for him = mi prenis la libron por li.

Pro = indicates the cause of the action. Because of the rain, I take the umbrella = Pro la pluvo, mi prenas la ombrelon. In this case the rain isn't the aim, but the cause of your aim, so you use "pro".

johnnotegbert (Zobraziť profil) 25. februára 2014 19:35:50

Thank you for the explanation!
