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StackExchange Proposal For Constructed Languages

viết bởi ryanpg, Ngày 08 tháng 5 năm 2014

Tin nhắn: 1

Nội dung: English

ryanpg (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 16:28:24 Ngày 08 tháng 5 năm 2014

I was disappointed to discover that there was no Esperanto Community on StackExchange, a question and answer site. Apparently someone once proposed one but it did not have enough support and the proposal was struck down. I have decided to create a new proposal - one that would allow questions about ALL constructed languages - including Esperanto. But it needs to get enough followers and "Sample Questions" or it too will be struck down as a proposal. I am hoping that allowing discussions about other ConLangs will provide it with enough extra support that it will not suffer the same fate as the Esperanto proposal.

Any help you could provide this proposal would be greatly appreciated!


Here is the link:


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