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Popular songs in Esperanto?

од flgirl2012, 13. август 2014.

Поруке: 12

Језик: English

flgirl2012 (Погледати профил) 13. август 2014. 16.19.59

Saluton! I've been looking for music in Esperanto, and I was wondering what your favorites were and if you could recommend me anything. I was also wondering if there are any songs sung in Esperanto in the pop genre.


sandyduggan (Погледати профил) 13. август 2014. 17.42.13

Great list Michaleo!

Here is one more:

sandyduggan (Погледати профил) 13. август 2014. 17.44.46

sandyduggan:Great list Michaleo!

Here is one more:
(Tiel la Mondo Iras by Juliano Hernández Angulo)

doug_maynard (Погледати профил) 13. август 2014. 23.46.10

I enjoy the song "Esperanto" by the Italian jazz-rock band DFA. The lyrics (guest sung by the lead singer of Deus Ex Machina, another Italian prog band) feature a variety of languages (primarily Italian but also French, English, German, and Spanish), but the refrain is in Esperanto:

Mi ŝatas Esperanton / Ni povas, kiel ne, paroli ĝin / en la tuta mondo.

The keyboardist Alberto Bonomi's father was an Esperantist and the inspiration for the song. Sadly, Alberto, whom I had a brief and very pleasant e-mail exchange, was killed in a car accident a few years ago at the age of 48.

Apart from the lyrics, DFA were really talented musicians - definitely worth a listen!


Kuniklo_Blua (Погледати профил) 19. август 2014. 22.50.32

kaŝperanto (Погледати профил) 20. август 2014. 13.33.19

La Porkoj - Jen
Jxomart Kaj Natasxa - Jam Staras Cxe La Pordo Auxto (one of my favorites)
Jxomart Kaj Natasxa (kaj filino) - En Bona Espero
La Perdita Generacio - Cxu Timigas la Ombro?
La Perdita Generacio - Alia Aventuro
La Perdita Generacio - Senpromese, Senperfide
IDC - La Fina Venk'
IDC - Berlino Sen Vi (I like this one a lot)

I like almost everything Jxomart and Natasxa have, and La Perdita Generacio is good for some pop/folk-y stuff. Persone seems kind of like 90's-esque pop rock. IDC is more of an electro-pop style. I found I like listening to slower songs with more understandable lyrics at first.

(just realized all of the links but the last one go to my playlist, so there are a lot more songs on there if you are interested; these are just some of my favorites)

Another great song I forgot:
IDC - Hejmen

rotuho (Погледати профил) 28. новембар 2015. 05.30.08

Ĉu iu havas la teksto de la kanto "Ami" de Valentina Cancino? Mi povas kompreni kelkaj linioj sed mi nur komencis lerni esperanton antaŭ du tagoj ^^ Ĉu iu helpi mi? Dankon!

Christa627 (Погледати профил) 17. децембар 2015. 05.09.12

rotuho:Ĉu iu havas la teksto de la kanto "Ami" de Valentina Cancino? Mi povas kompreni kelkaj linioj sed mi nur komencis lerni esperanton antaŭ du tagoj ^^ Ĉu iu helpi mi? Dankon!
Sorry the response is so late; I'm active on this forum only intermittently. Here are the lyrics: http://kantaro.ikso.net/ami. It lists the writer as "Valentina NAN", but they're the same lyrics. When I'm looking for the lyrics of an Esperanto song, kantaro.ikso.net is always my first stop ridulo.gif.

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