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af Kuniklo_Blua, 19. aug. 2014

Meddelelser: 8

Sprog: English

Kuniklo_Blua (Vise profilen) 19. aug. 2014 22.43.10

For please.
What is the difference between
bonvolu + i : bonvolu veni
mi petas + u: venu mi petas

EO try
por diri "please"

kio estas la malsameco inter bonvolu + i kaj mi petas + u?

wdhgtx (Vise profilen) 19. aug. 2014 22.54.36

+i? +u?
ĉu vi volas demandi bonvoli kaj petu?

Kuniklo_Blua (Vise profilen) 19. aug. 2014 23.09.42

The difference between using
Bonvolu with the i form bonvolu veni
and using mi petas with the u form mi petas diru

When I was doing one of the lessons it translated mi petas to please but using the vortaro it came out as I request so I want to know which one is better to use as please.

From the dict.
bonvolu (please; bonvolu veni = please come); mi petas (lit. "I request")

michaleo (Vise profilen) 19. aug. 2014 23.50.17

Both expressions are polite so you can use them interchangeably. It can be translated as:
bonvolu veni = deign to come
venu mi petas = come, please

bonvolu is sometimes written as bv.

Kuniklo_Blua (Vise profilen) 20. aug. 2014 00.21.44

michaleo:Both expressions are polite so you can use them interchangeably. It can be translated as:
bonvolu veni = deign to come
venu mi petas = come, please

bonvolu is sometimes written as bv.
So it all comes down to personal preference?

michaleo (Vise profilen) 20. aug. 2014 00.27.32

michaleo:Both expressions are polite so you can use them interchangeably. It can be translated as:
bonvolu veni = deign to come
venu mi petas = come, please

bonvolu is sometimes written as bv.
So it all comes down to personal preference?
You can even say just "venu" ridulo.gif
More information here.

Kuniklo_Blua (Vise profilen) 20. aug. 2014 01.03.29

Dankon ke vi respondis al mia demandoj.

sergejm (Vise profilen) 20. aug. 2014 08.43.11

'Bonvolu' is usually used instead of 'please'. It means 'have a good will to', Russian equivalent is 'извольте'.
'Mi petas' means 'I ask you to', not 'request' (Russian 'я прошу (Вас)' ) and can also be translated 'please'.

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