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Most entertaining way to learn a language?

od uživatele Alkanadi ze dne 14. října 2014

Příspěvky: 7

Jazyk: English

Alkanadi (Ukázat profil) 14. října 2014 6:55:26

What is the most entertaining way to learn a language? I don't want to know the most effective way. I want to know specifically the most entertaining way.

Can you share the methods that you enjoy the most?

oreso (Ukázat profil) 14. října 2014 10:16:25

Alkanadi:What is the most entertaining way to learn a language? I don't want to know the most effective way. I want to know specifically the most entertaining way.

Can you share the methods that you enjoy the most?
Chatting to folks online. Especially on places like Verda Chan, Ŝerco, Twitter and with the tutors here.

Need to find places to speak though.

For input, I read old novels. I hate machine-like translation, so things like Memrise are useless to me, but I understand others love the game-y aspect.


Babilas kun ulo interrete. Aparte en loko kiel Verda Chan, Ŝerco, Twitter kaj kun la instruistoj ĉi tie.

Tamen mi bezonas trovi lokon paroli.

Por enigo, mi legas malnovan libron. Mi malamas maŝino-stilan tradukon, tiel aĵoj kiel Memrise estas senutila al vi. Sed mi scias ke aliaj personoj amas la ludo-stilecon.

kaŝperanto (Ukázat profil) 14. října 2014 12:21:50

Using it. This is the best way to learn anything, but especially languages (human or computer). I enjoy participating in the forums here and listening to various Esperanto music artists. I sometimes read Vikipedio articles or other online Esperanto news sources. There is also the ##Esperanto IRC channel on Freenode, but I haven't really been there in a while. Books are decent sources of experience, but I find articles and forum posts to be more easily digestible as a busy professional who has never really been into reading fiction as a hobby.

The most fun I've had in Esperanto has been talking with people who could not communicate to me any other way (no English skills).

marbuljon (Ukázat profil) 15. října 2014 19:29:35

If we're ignoring that not enough exists in Esperanto? : P

Playing videogames, playing with friends (imagine kids in the playground), watching tv, chatting.

The activity should be about something you like, but also getting some kind of message across in general, so that you don't focus on the actual language itself but just focus on having fun.

jdawdy (Ukázat profil) 17. října 2014 23:34:33

Alkanadi:What is the most entertaining way to learn a language? I don't want to know the most effective way. I want to know specifically the most entertaining way.

Can you share the methods that you enjoy the most?
Talking to pretty girls.

dombola (Ukázat profil) 18. října 2014 0:35:51


Can you share the methods that you enjoy the most?
Take a peep at multe da ridoj!

Moosader (Ukázat profil) 18. října 2014 1:06:44

I like drawing little comics in Esperanto. I also really enjoy the ##Esperanto channel on freenode, and having a group of Esperantist friends on FB to converse with.
When I have extra time, it's fun to make videos for YouTube, but I'm too busy right now. :/

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