Berichten: 4
Taal: English
Alkanadi (Profiel tonen) 21 oktober 2014 15:01:39
She shares her love of constructed languages, the psychology that drives people to try and create a perfect language, and tells the story of the divide between two sections of a conlang community – Loglan, and Lojban."
Nephihaha (Profiel tonen) 26 oktober 2014 18:31:13

Christa627 (Profiel tonen) 27 oktober 2014 20:11:03
Apparently there is some inaccuracy in the book regarding projections of the future of the Esperanto accusative (see first page or so of "The accusative: getting phased out?!?"*)
Does anyone know of any other inaccuracies to be careful of in the book?
*Which I am positive was originally "The accuzative: getting phased out?!?"; I started the thread, and saw that title many times while the thread was active. I remember being slightly embarrased about the typo in the title. So, how does it happen that the typo is gone now? All which is completely tangential...
Nephihaha (Profiel tonen) 29 oktober 2014 16:09:22
Christa627:I bought the book on eBay a few days ago, but it hasn't been shipped yet (what's taking them so long?!).There are probably a few - but she talks about MANY languages in the book, some of which are extremely obscure, so I can't say much about them.
Apparently there is some inaccuracy in the book regarding projections of the future of the Esperanto accusative (see first page or so of "The accusative: getting phased out?!?"*)
Does anyone know of any other inaccuracies to be careful of in the book?
*Which I am positive was originally "The accuzative: getting phased out?!?"; I started the thread, and saw that title many times while the thread was active. I remember being slightly embarrased about the typo in the title. So, how does it happen that the typo is gone now? All which is completely tangential...
It's actually very interesting to hear about some of the aborted language projects. I don't know how accurate her comments on Esperanto are... sometimes she's critical, but at other times I think she feels more than a little sympathy with the idea.
The Klingon stuff was kind of cool. I like Star Trek, but could never see myself going that far... but I read it and thought that the Klingon speakers were at least doing something they loved and all power to them!