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New Member with questions

od Traduku, 4. marca 2006

Príspevky: 28

Jazyk: English

RiotNrrd (Zobraziť profil) 5. septembra 2006 1:48:54

Chodrak:I'm studying with a grammar published in 1988, Esperanto by David Richardson. There is no "x" letter in the grammar, but I noticed that the letter "x" is used a lot in the new words that Lernu is emailing me.
Kio okazas, miaj amindaj linvoistoj?
We still haven't gotten to the point where computer fonts all have the e-o superscripted letters. So, in order to accomodate the lowest common denominator (i.e., ASCII), the "x" is used to indicate that the preceding letter has a superscript. Thus, cx = ĉ, gx = ĝ, and so on. In the "old days", when most writing was done on typewriters, this was about the only way to do it. Unless you wanted to run through your entire manuscript and pen the superscripts in by hand, of course.

There are other schemes which are used as well (putting a ^ in front or behind the letter, or using an h instead of an x), but the "x" method seems to be the most popular.

I can't speak for Lernu, but I assume they use the "x" method to insure that everyone who receives the email will be able to read it no matter what font their mail is being displayed with.

bentpenspinner (Zobraziť profil) 9. septembra 2006 18:48:47

saluton! I'm 16 and I just recently saw esperanto and realized it's awesomeness. I've taken spanish for 3 years now and I am in a college program at the moment trying to learn more of it. I happened across esperanto while researching things to do with penspinning that me and my friends do during lectures. It looked like a rip-off of spanish at first but after looking into it I realized how simple it was. As I said i've been taking spanish for a while, I've never been really good at speaking it, I could understand it and read it but I had a hard time putting what I wanted to say into words. I've been trying to learn esperanto for the past few days by watching and reading stuff on this site and find it so much easier to think and say. I've told everybody about it and if they've taken any other languages before they get the same awed reaction that I got.

My main purpose for learning right now is the possible help I can get from native spanish speakers over the internet. I could communicate effectively with them and they with me and I wouldn't have to be a great spanish speaker and they wouldn't have to know a lick of english. I could ask a native speaker how something works in spanish without having to ask the actual question in his language. It's amazing!

And after I learn how to really speak Spanish I will still know esperanto and be able to communicate with people from all over. so it's advantageous all the way.

Still, I am looking for the best way to learn. I've already seen some of the material offered at this site and I like what I see. Yet I would like to find the best way to learn. even if it is not necessarily the fastest way. I've looked at the US esperanto groups and the nearest one is several hours away. There are many options and I'm not sure which I should choose. What would you guys advise?

bentpenspinner (Zobraziť profil) 10. septembra 2006 13:06:26

thank you for the suggestions! I may have some books at my local library. I don't know if I'll be able to make it today, but if they don't have anything I'm sure the library up at my school has something.

About the courses at learnu, I am a little confused. I have recently been doing the bildoj kaj demandoj. The program is ok but at the page that has the courses on it bildoj kaj demandoj doesn't have a level, but things like Ana Pana says that it is for beginners. Should I continue with the first course or something like Ana Pana

chiklit (Zobraziť profil) 10. septembra 2006 13:28:37

Maverynthia:There's an online Esperanto channel? Where is it at? I've been looking for a while...
Internacia Televido!

It's great.
It's a TV station? I never was able to get anything to play from it... :/ How does it work?
It just plays on the front page as imbedded media. Don't have to do anything if you are using IE, Firefox, or Flock.
It uses Windows Media Player so you'll need the ActiveX plugin for it to work in FireFox.


Urho (Zobraziť profil) 10. septembra 2006 15:39:36

Talking Pie skribis:
Se vi estas bonŝanca trovi kopion de la Fundamento en via biblioteko, definitive legi ĝin. Se ne, legas unu de la versiojn rete (mi estas certa ke iu ĉi tie havos ĉeneron).






bentpenspinner (Zobraziť profil) 10. septembra 2006 18:31:14

I'll look go check out the fundamento. I think I should try ana pana as well. once again as a newb I thank you!

Maverynthia (Zobraziť profil) 12. septembra 2006 3:07:09


It uses Windows Media Player so you'll need the ActiveX plugin for it to work in FireFox.

Well I can't even get it to work in IE where ActiveX is native... :'( Really these webpages should give up activeX in favor of Flash or better content that plays on all browsers. Especially if it's an Esperanto site...

erinja (Zobraziť profil) 12. septembra 2006 16:28:50

Talking Pie:Personally, I would suggest trying whatever you can find. Sometimes I try learning things (Esperanto stuff, songs on guitar, anything), and if I can't do something, I come back to it later and suddenly realise "oh, I get that now", and it's easier to learn what I previously was stuck on.

If you're lucky enough to find a copy of the Fundamento in your library, definitely read that. If not, read one of the versions online (I'm sure someone here will have a link).

Persone, mi sugestus ke vi penu ion ajn ke vi trovas. Kelkfoje, mi provas lerni iojn (esperantaj aĵoj, gitaraj kantoj, io ajn), kaj se mi ne estas ebla fari ĝin, mi revenos al ĝi pli malfrue kaj mi subite konscios "ho, mi nun komprenas tion!", kaj ĝi estas pli facila lerni ĝin ol antaŭe.

Se vi estas bonŝanca trovi kopion de la Fundamento en via biblioteko, definitive legi ĝin. Se ne, legas unu de la versiojn rete (mi estas certa ke iu ĉi tie havos ĉeneron).


To anyone who's any good at Esperanto; I just had a terrible time attempting to translate my post, and I feel that it was still fraught with mistakes. Did it make any sense at all?
There were mistakes and some things that were too literally translated, and thus didn't make that much sense in Esperanto. But on the whole, I could tell what you were trying to say. Let me know if you want me to go through and correct it.
