المشاركات: 10
لغة: English
linokai1 (عرض الملف الشخصي) 4 يناير، 2015 11:02:57 م
Rugxdoma (عرض الملف الشخصي) 7 يناير، 2015 12:08:34 ص
linokai1:I'm about to start studying Swedish, and I want to also maintain my Esperanto. Outside of simply continuing to use the language, I was thinking about implementing it into my studying of Swedish, and later on, other languages. Part of the process will be easy, as one of my main studying methods is flashcards, so I can simply make my flashcards Esperanto --> Swedish, instead of English --> Swedish. I'm also looking for other resources and / or advice in this area. Has anyone had experience in learning another language using Esperanto (or any experience studying a new language using a language other than your first), and does anyone know of any resources for learning other languages that are in Esperanto?One thing about Swdish: There is a pair of false friends, which can cause you a problem when you know Esperanto from before. The Esperanto word "ni" is "vi" in Swedish and the Esperanto word "vi" is "ni". You have to put much effort on them not to mix them up. Some years ago on the Scandinavian forum of lernu! one student of Swedish suggested that one could do like he did. He kept his manner of pronounciation a bit different for the two languages, especially concerning the vowel i.
Concerning other languages, here you can learn about Afrikaans and Zulu.
PlaidMouse (عرض الملف الشخصي) 7 يناير، 2015 1:30:11 ص
marbuljon (عرض الملف الشخصي) 7 يناير، 2015 4:34:16 ص
Lol, the false friends in Swedish are gotten over very easily. After maybe a week or two. But you may be interested in this list I started, which is true and false friends between the Germanic-Nordics and Esperanto:
I will also make lessons for Swedish in EO eventually but there's no reason why you can't do it yourself as soon as you start learning ; D
Here's some blog posts of mine that might help. Please keep in mind that they ALL needs to REALLY be fixed up and are written badly and some things may even be wrong:
1. A (small) list of the words which are still affected by archaic grammar, that is to say, the ones that still have male gender or that change grammatical case when in compound words, etc:
2. swedish words that don't exist in english
3. an incomplete list of all the prefixes and suffixes, with some example words of each
In general I think it would help VERY much if people made more language lessons in Esperanto. While it's helpful if you just know both, I think what's most helpful is to actually see the lessons in EO in the first place, because otherwise the other language (in this case, English) messes up your brain. For example, the English-Japanese dictionaries keep doing stuff like their definition makes a noun seem like an adverb.
If you like The Moomins you can read it in Esperanto here, and get yourself a Swedish copy to follow along (use the Wayback machine to read all/almost all the parts):
Anyway, in the future I intend to make lessons in EO for Swedish, Faroese and Icelandic (and more for Japanese). But I will only start those after the planned Japanese ones are done, unless I get really bored, and even then I would start with teaching Faroese first since it's the smallest language.
Anyway, I also urge other people to make lessons. Even if you're a learner yourself, it still helps others, and in some cases that's way more desirable because you know what things are difficult and need more description.
vikungen (عرض الملف الشخصي) 7 يناير، 2015 9:47:20 م
marbuljon:Hint hint to all French Esperanto speakers out there!
Anyway, I also urge other people to make lessons. Even if you're a learner yourself, it still helps others, and in some cases that's way more desirable because you know what things are difficult and need more description.
Red_Rat_Writer (عرض الملف الشخصي) 8 يناير، 2015 12:51:18 ص
After Duolingo for English Speakers and its reverse are finished,
French or Spanish will probably be next, and after a few years, there should be half a dozen languages either for learning or learning from Esperanto.
Christa627 (عرض الملف الشخصي) 8 يناير، 2015 6:12:18 ص
Rugxdoma:Oh! Maybe that is why the Kolormondo website says "Kontaktu vin; vi parolas Esperanton!" on it!
One thing about Swedish: There is a pair of false friends, which can cause you a problem when you know Esperanto from before. The Esperanto word "ni" is "vi" in Swedish and the Esperanto word "vi" is "ni".
Tempodivalse (عرض الملف الشخصي) 8 يناير، 2015 9:05:29 م
Concerning other languages, here you can learn about Afrikaans and Zulu.This is the most helpful link for Afrikaans study that I've come across so far. Thank you so much!
I find other languages (well, at least Indo-European) to be easier to learn now, at least in terms of grammar, because I am able to relate them back to Esperanto grammar - it is much simpler and clearer, unfettered by exceptions and complex rules that muddy the picture when one tries to relate foreign grammar to one's native grammar. I can instead re-add the irregularity of natural languages from the 'pristine' Esperanto base.
Rugxdoma (عرض الملف الشخصي) 8 يناير، 2015 10:30:54 م
Christa627:I suppose so. But when I tried to check it up, I didn't find the phrase you quoted, only "Kontaktu nin, ni parolas esperanton!" Perhaps somebody has noticed your post here and has fixed the error already.Rugxdoma:Oh! Maybe that is why the Kolormondo website says "Kontaktu vin; vi parolas Esperanton!" on it!
One thing about Swedish: There is a pair of false friends, which can cause you a problem when you know Esperanto from before. The Esperanto word "ni" is "vi" in Swedish and the Esperanto word "vi" is "ni".
For me, a Swedish mothertongue speaker, learning these two Esperanto words was not done once and for ever. Over and over again, when my concentration was not on top, I made mistakes, or was confused, or scared every time when I faced these two pronouns. But after much exercise I finally overcame the difficulty.
vikungen (عرض الملف الشخصي) 14 يناير، 2015 10:11:21 م
kaj ankaŭ Memrise-kurso por la vortoj en la ĉefa kurso
Norvegaj vortoj esperante