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Where to watch?

من flgirl2012, 23 يناير، 2015

المشاركات: 2

لغة: English

flgirl2012 (عرض الملف الشخصي) 23 يناير، 2015 2:14:51 ص

Where can I watch the first episode of 'The Jetsons'? (Which features Esperanto)


noelekim (عرض الملف الشخصي) 23 يناير، 2015 4:07:41 ص

Where can I watch the first episode of 'The Jetsons'? (Which features Esperanto)
Here: www.funniermoments.com/watch.php?vid=b58dcd55b

*Don't* click 'Play'. Just wait patiently for the advertsiement to finish and the Jetsons will follow.

Esperanto is mentioned at 15:00

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