
Petition for websites in Esperanto in 2015

글쓴이: se, 2015년 2월 27일

글: 8

언어: English

se (프로필 보기) 2015년 2월 27일 오후 4:52:40

UNESCO resolutions 1985 did not get the respect from all the NGOs in the world. It would be the time this year, 30 years, to make a online petition to a few which mentioned the support of Esperanto in the past. Of course, it would be good at the same time sending the petition to the major ones in the world to have their websites to include an Esperanto version.

United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) 1980 Manila Declaration is 35 years in 2015. It would be good to make a petition to all the UNWTO members to have the page in Esperanto.

How many younger generations know about the resolutions and declaration ? If I send the email to them, the first one to bar my email is the one who checks the email. S/he might think this is the spam but they did not believe that more than 75% of the people in the world do not speak a word of English from BBC.

The Esperanto version website campaign is to get the younger office bearers in their respective org to know the past and prepare for the future.

The European petition is more than a year and could not get the ten thousand target but the anti rape petition within a week already get more than a million signatures.

As it is to celebrate the 30 years and 35 years, we could make the petition vote lesser thus can achieve it within 2015.

Remember, it is to create awareness.

As neither my English nor my Esperanto is good, I wish someone would take up this proposal to create an online petition and I shall help to translate it into my nation language and my mother language too.

robbkvasnak (프로필 보기) 2015년 2월 27일 오후 5:58:24

Dear se, you certainly have courage and foresight. I can feel your struggles with English and where I used to teach there were, for a while, three Malaysian professors who had the same challenge. One of them gave up and left the USA for good. One of them thinks that she speaks perfect English and I always stood up for her when colleagues chuckled at her behind her back. The third one just hardly talks at all, only when he must.
I am not a European. But I do know that the European Union has generous grants for this kind of work. Maybe if it were not a full-blown translation each time but sort of an abstract, the Europeans could start on this using volunteers. After all, the websites are (supposedly) in all 22 languages. If they are not, one start might be for people whose language has been overlooked to protest in Strassburg/Strasbourg or Bruxelles/Brussel/Brüssel.

se (프로필 보기) 2015년 3월 1일 오후 2:17:49

robbkvasnak:Dear se, you certainly have courage and foresight.
Thank you sir, if there is no one like to take up this simple sign in project, i would come back with my bad English for help before looking for the online petition site.

se (프로필 보기) 2015년 3월 5일 오전 5:08:05

Here is the draft of petition. Any better suggestions, The Esperanto version is translated by Google

To commemorate the 30 years of UNESCO resolutions 1985 which urged international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to use Esperanto among NGOs and UNESCO, it is delighted to invite international NGOs to reread UNESCO resolution and include Esperanto in your websites.

For those which have included Esperanto in your websites, thank you for your act of respect to the world body, UNESCO.

Those international non-governmental organizations that passed resolution to support the use of Esperanto are reminded to honor your resolution.

UNESCO Resolution 1985 stated:

International Non-Governmental which passed resolution to support the use of Esperanto are:


Por memorfesti la 30 jarojn de Unesko Rezolucioj 1985, kiu instigis internaciaj ne-registaraj organizoj (NRO) por uzi Esperanton inter NRO-j kaj Unesko, estas ravita inviti internaciajn NRO releer UNESKO Rezolucio kaj inkluzivas Esperanton en viaj retejoj.

Por tiuj kiuj inkluzivis Esperanton en viaj retejoj, dankon por via akto de respekto al la mondo korpo, UNESKO.

Tiuj internaciaj neregistaraj organizoj kiuj pasis rezolucion por subteni la uzon de Esperanto estas memorigis honori vian rezolucion.

UNESKO Rezolucio 1985 deklaris:

Internaciaj Neregistaraj kiu pasis rezolucion por subteni la uzon de Esperanto estas:


Bemused (프로필 보기) 2015년 3월 6일 오전 2:28:23

se:Here is the draft of petition. Any better suggestions, The Esperanto version is translated by Google

To commemorate the 30 years of UNESCO resolutions 1985 which urged international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to use Esperanto among NGOs and UNESCO, it is delighted to invite international NGOs to reread UNESCO resolution and include Esperanto in your websites.

For those which have included Esperanto in your websites, thank you for your act of respect to the world body, UNESCO.

Those international non-governmental organizations that passed resolution to support the use of Esperanto are reminded to honor your resolution.

UNESCO Resolution 1985 stated:

International Non-Governmental which passed resolution to support the use of Esperanto are:


Here is my interpretation. Anyone that wishes to polish it up is welcome to do so.

To commemorate the passing of 30 years since the 1985 UNESCO resolution which urged international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to use Esperanto among NGOs and UNESCO, we invite international NGOs to reread the UNESCO resolution and include Esperanto in your websites.

For those which have included Esperanto in your websites, thank you for your act of respect to the world body, UNESCO.

Those international NGO's that passed resolutions to support the use of Esperanto, and have not yet done so, are requested to honor your resolutions.

Christa627 (프로필 보기) 2015년 3월 6일 오후 9:54:52

se:Por memorfesti la 30 jarojn de Unesko Rezolucioj 1985, kiu instigis internaciaj ne-registaraj organizoj (NRO) por uzi Esperanton inter NRO-j kaj Unesko, estas ravita inviti internaciajn NRO releer UNESKO Rezolucio kaj inkluzivas Esperanton en viaj retejoj.
"Releer"?? Honestly, Google, can't you tell the difference between Esperanto and Spanish? (Note, I'm "talking to" Google, not se).

Christa627 (프로필 보기) 2015년 3월 6일 오후 10:03:27

I'd tweak the Google translation as follows (although I'm sure someone can improve on this):

Por memorfesti la 30 jarojn ekde la UNESKO Rezolucioj de 1985, kiu instigis internaciajn ne-registarajn organizojn (NRO) uzi Esperanton inter NRO-j kaj UNESKO, ni invitas internaciajn NRO-jn relegi la UNESKO Rezolucion kaj inkluzivi Esperanton en siaj retejoj.

Por tiuj kiuj inkluzivis Esperanton en siaj retejoj, dankon pro via ago de respekto al la mondo korpo, UNESKO.

Tiujn internaciajn neregistarajn organizojn kiuj faris rezolucion por subteni la uzon de Esperanto ni rememorigas honori vian rezolucion.

UNESKO Rezolucio 1985 deklaris:

Internaciaj Neregistaraj Organizoj kiuj faris rezolucion por subteni la uzon de Esperanto estas:


se (프로필 보기) 2015년 3월 11일 오전 6:34:54

Dankon, thank you.

Time is running short and will use the corrected ones when my friends have time to do it for the petition.

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