What country and city have the highest concentration of Esperantists?
از DOCENKO_Dmitrij, 8 مارس 2015
پستها: 38
زبان: English
DOCENKO_Dmitrij (نمایش مشخصات) 11 مارس 2015، 2:41:00
So the average world concentration is 1 Esperantist per 168073 people.
sudanglo (نمایش مشخصات) 11 مارس 2015، 12:00:55
However due to the very lax border controls it is difficult to pin down the size of the population in Esperantujo. There is a constant inflow of migrants from outside and many have fled the country.
sudanglo (نمایش مشخصات) 11 مارس 2015، 12:00:55
nornen (نمایش مشخصات) 11 مارس 2015، 17:56:38
DOCENKO_Dmitrij:The total number of Esperantists on lernu.net is 43436.But how many of them are really active?
So the average world concentration is 1 Esperantist per 168073 people.
During 2014, half of all posts have been written by 19 persons. Nineteen.
During 2014, of those 43436 registered users, only 1073 users[1] have actually posted something. Sure, there are also passive users who don't write posts, but read them or take the courses, but the discrepancy between 43k and 1k is quite impressive. I suppose that over 90% of all lernu accounts are dead.
[1] Users who hadn't deleted their account by january 2015.
Alkanadi (نمایش مشخصات) 12 مارس 2015، 6:30:07
nornen:During 2014, of those 43436 registered users, only 1073 users have actually posted something. Sure, there are also passive users who don't write posts, but read them or take the courses, but the discrepancy between 43k and 1k is quite impressive. I suppose that over 90% of all lernu accounts are deadVisitor activity last month
visited pages: 9 258 531
visitors 174 530
User activity during the last 30 days
zero: 184 573
little: 3 872
not very much: 1 436
intermediate: 464
advanced: 207
very high: 283
With this number of page views, I estimate that their gross income from advertising is 9 thousand dollars a month. On Youtube, before they have the pre-roll ads, I could safely assume that I would make $1 per 1000 views. Other Youtubers during this period indicated the same.
Anyway, 174 530 unique visitors per month seems like a lot.
Noddy (نمایش مشخصات) 12 مارس 2015، 18:52:21
DOCENKO_Dmitrij:The total number of Esperantists on lernu.net is 43436.There are currently 14 500 people on Duolingo waiting for the Esperanto course to launch (including myself). Thats over a third of the Lernu figure, and I think a very conservative figure (assuming they release the course in the next couple of months) would be to have 100 000 people learning it by the end of the year. Obviously many of those will probably only do a handful of lessons, but I could well see the number of serious students surpassing the Lernu figure very quickly!
Belmiro (نمایش مشخصات) 12 مارس 2015، 19:57:33
I was born and live in a small town of just over 12,000 inhabitants.
My country (Portugal) has about 10 million inhabitants.
80% of registered Portuguese for Kongreso of Lille (5) were born in this my small town.
nornen (نمایش مشخصات) 13 مارس 2015، 1:07:07
Alkanadi:Numbers seem legit.nornen:I suppose that over 90% of all lernu accounts are deadUser activity during the last 30 days
zero: 184 573
little: 3 872
not very much: 1 436
intermediate: 464
advanced: 207
very high: 283
Total users = 283 + 207 + 464 + 1436 + 3872 + 184573 = 190835
Active users = 283 + 207 + 464 + 1436 + 3872 = 6262
Percentage of active users = 6262 / 190835 = 3.28%
Dead accounts = 96.72%. My guess wasn't that bad.
This is like equalling the population of a country to the number of births since the dawn of time. If you never remove the dead, your population will grow constantly.
sudanglo (نمایش مشخصات) 14 مارس 2015، 12:48:59
This is like equalling the population of a country to the number of births since the dawn of time. If you never remove the dead, your population will grow constantly.Curious thing about Esperanto is that having reached a certain level, one tends not to forget the language after years of non-use.
Therefore there is always a high proportion of 'zombie' Esperanto speakers.
I remember a time when I received a phone call from abroad, after not having spoken the language for maybe 15 years, but was perfectly able to carry on the conversation in Esperanto.
Rugxdoma (نمایش مشخصات) 15 مارس 2015، 0:34:49
nornen:I myself was dead as an esperantist for almost 50 years before I reached my present very high activity. Or perhaps one should rather say that it may take more than 30 days for an esperantist to die.Alkanadi:Numbers seem legit.nornen:I suppose that over 90% of all lernu accounts are deadUser activity during the last 30 days
zero: 184 573
little: 3 872
not very much: 1 436
intermediate: 464
advanced: 207
very high: 283
Total users = 283 + 207 + 464 + 1436 + 3872 + 184573 = 190835
Active users = 283 + 207 + 464 + 1436 + 3872 = 6262
Percentage of active users = 6262 / 190835 = 3.28%
Dead accounts = 96.72%. My guess wasn't that bad.
This is like equalling the population of a country to the number of births since the dawn of time. If you never remove the dead, your population will grow constantly.
Edit: That doesn't mean that there is no reason to try to get people stay active with their accounts.