What country and city have the highest concentration of Esperantists?
door DOCENKO_Dmitrij, 8 maart 2015
Berichten: 38
Taal: English
DOCENKO_Dmitrij (Profiel tonen) 8 maart 2015 08:10:52
Can we call Andorra the country which is the most promising for Esperanto to become an official language? Now the main languages in Androrra are Catalan, Spanish, Portuguese, French. I think such diversity of languages is a good basement for Esperanto as an interethnical language.
Do you know a country where the concentration of Esperantists is even higher?
What city has the heighest concentration of Esperantists?
Alkanadi (Profiel tonen) 8 maart 2015 08:44:11
Brazilo 14691 uzantoj
Usono 25253 uzantoj
Of course there are lots of Esperanto speakers in other countries but these two have the highest number. It would be interesting to find out the concentration levels.
DOCENKO_Dmitrij (Profiel tonen) 8 maart 2015 11:58:25
DOCENKO_Dmitrij (Profiel tonen) 8 maart 2015 12:01:26
johmue (Profiel tonen) 8 maart 2015 15:52:51
DOCENKO_Dmitrij:Unfortunately, lernu.net statistics for US and Brazil does not give the number of speakers. It only gives the number of users (users with zero level of Esperanto are counted too). The number of speakers you can count if you use "Search users" and specify a country and a level of Esperanto.That's actually not the number of speakers. It's the number of lernu! users that specify a high level of Esperanto. See the difference?
DOCENKO_Dmitrij (Profiel tonen) 9 maart 2015 03:24:32
nornen (Profiel tonen) 9 maart 2015 03:26:48
DOCENKO_Dmitrij:Lernu statistics gives the number of registered users of the website. Many of them did not specify their level of Esperanto or specified it as zero.And many of them created their account ten years ago, used it for one week and never again.
orthohawk (Profiel tonen) 9 maart 2015 05:47:14
nornen:I'm hoping under the lernu revamp there will be a way to elminate those from the search functionDOCENKO_Dmitrij:Lernu statistics gives the number of registered users of the website. Many of them did not specify their level of Esperanto or specified it as zero.And many of them created their account ten years ago, used it for one week and never again.
Alkanadi (Profiel tonen) 9 maart 2015 06:46:51
orthohawk:If there is a new revamp coming up then I would like to suggest a change so that forum posts older than 3 months can't be bumped to the top.
I'm hoping under the lernu revamp there will be a way to elminate those from the search function
Also, it would be nice to have a small check mark beside the posts that I have read. That way, I don't have to re-read the posts again when someone ads something new.
vejktoro (Profiel tonen) 9 maart 2015 06:56:31
Alkanadi:If there is a new revamp coming up then I would like to suggest a change so that forum posts older than 3 months can't be bumped to the top.Why?