Kwa maudhui

Which is the USA in the country choices?

ya Arachne, 14 Januari 2008

Ujumbe: 5

Lugha: English

Arachne (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 14 Januari 2008 9:13:31 asubuhi

I couldn't figure it out but I wasn't allowed to register without it so I just chose something that seemed to make sense. However, I have no idea if it was right. Can someone tell me which one it is, as well as how to edit that part of my profile, if it's wrong?

Matthieu (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 14 Januari 2008 9:54:19 asubuhi

It is “US - Usono.”

eb.eric (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 14 Januari 2008 1:11:22 alasiri

Arachne:[...] how to edit that part of my profile, if it's wrong?
My lernu! | Change profile

Stefano B (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 15 Januari 2008 7:13:28 asubuhi

Arachne:I couldn't figure it out but I wasn't allowed to register without it so I just chose something that seemed to make sense. However, I have no idea if it was right. Can someone tell me which one it is, as well as how to edit that part of my profile, if it's wrong?
Every country has a 2-digit ISO code, and that is what Lernu uses. The codes don't necessarily match with the names of the countries in Esperanto, which can be confusing. For example, the code for Germany is DE (for Deutschland) and has nothing to do with the word "Germanio" which is what it is called in Esperanto. This confused me too when I first joined the site, because I expected the abbreviations to match with the Esperanto names of the countries, so I had a hard time knowing which country people were from until I found out about the ISO codes.

The one for the U.S. is "US" as someone already pointed out. All of the codes are listed on this site, if you are interested:

The code you picked, UM, stands for "U.S. Minor Outlying Islands", so you really weren't too far off. lango.gif

Arachne (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 15 Januari 2008 10:52:45 alasiri


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