
Can you make money out of Esperanto?

sudanglo, 2015年3月18日

讯息: 2

语言: English

sudanglo (显示个人资料) 2015年3月18日上午11:50:52

Picking up on some comments in another thread, I would just like to point out that this is perfectly possible.

There are plenty of Esperantists who are prepared to spend money on their 'hobby'. You have only to think of the total cost of attending the UK in Lille (over 2000 aliĝintoj so far).

Many years ago I made some money out of Esperanto by buying up the total print run of 10,000 copies of an OUP book in Esperanto and reselling it, at a very reasonable price. And UEA made money by buying copies from me and re-selling at something like twice my price, if I remember correctly.

Go to it you budding entrepreneurs.

And you might not even need any capital, in these days of crowd sourcing finance, if you have a good idea.

Alkanadi (显示个人资料) 2015年3月18日下午2:29:41

Is infiltration of a corporation or government entity legal? That might be more effective but I am not sure if it is legal.
